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Looking to add a loop to list the order details along with the information already included in this email. Does anyone have any advice on this...


Private Sub eMailConfirmationHTML()


Dim row As DataRow

Dim mailMessage As System.Web.Mail.MailMessage = New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage()

mailMessage.From = "****@****.com"

mailMessage.To = "****@****.com"

mailMessage.Subject = "Order Confirmation: Order #" & txtOrderID2.Text

mailMessage.Body = "<HTML><IMG SRC=""c:\logo.jpg"" BORDER=""5"" ALIGN=""RIGHT""></IMG></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BODY BACKGROUND=""c:\marble.bmp""></BODY></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BODY><B>This is to confirm the order you placed with Us</B></BODY></HTML>" & "<HTML><BR></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BODY><B>Your order confirmation Number is : Order # </B></BODY></HTML>" & txtOrderID2.Text & "<HTML><BR></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BR></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BODY><B>Shipping To: </B></BODY></HTML>" & cboShippingAddress.Text & "<HTML><BR></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BODY><B>Address: </B></BODY></HTML>" & txtSAddress.Text & "<HTML><BR></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BODY><B>City: </B></BODY></HTML>" & txtSCity.Text & "<HTML><BR></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BODY><B>Province: </B></BODY></HTML>" & txtSProvince.Text & "<HTML><BR></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BODY><B>Country: </B></BODY></HTML>" & txtSCountry.Text & "<HTML><BR></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BODY><B>Post Code: </B></BODY></HTML>" & txtSPostCode.Text & "<HTML><BR></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BR></HTML>" & _

"<HTML><BODY><B>Order Details </B></BODY></HTML>" & txtSPostCode.Text & "<HTML><BR></HTML>" & _



mailMessage.BodyFormat = System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html


System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""



End Sub




I need to add the loop after the Order Details

  • *Experts*

What kind of stuff is in the order details?


You could do something like this (just an example, of course):

mailMessage.Body &= "<table width=""100%"">" & Environment.Newline

For i = 0 to OrderDetails.Count - 1
 Dim od As OrderDetail = OrderDetails(i)

 mailMessage.Body &= "<tr><td>" & od.StartDate & "</td><td>" & od.EndDate & "</td></tr>" & Environment.Newline
Next i

mailMessage.Body &= "</table>"

That would simply create a two column table that contains a start date and an end date, with one row for each item in the 'OrderDetails' collection. You will of course need to modify it to fit your own needs and data format.


Thanks VolteFace, that really helped and I am now able to email an order confirmation to the client.


Of course now it worked that well I want more...... Does anyone know how I could put a signature on the end of this HTML formatted email.




  • *Experts*
Same way you do all that other stuff... just append it with
mailMessage.Body &= "<br><br>______<br>Signature!"

or something.

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