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How can I do this? I'm trying like this:


Dim frm2 As New frm2()


frm2.BindingContext(objDataSet1, "MyTable").EndCurrentEdit()

frm2.BindingContext(objDataSet1, "MyTable").Position = Me.ListBox1.SelectedIndex


I've tried other things also, but I mean it must be somewhere around this.


I select a user from ListBox1. But when I open frm2, the index ist still at the first position.


I think it must be possible. Can anybody help me, please?


Thanks for the ideas. I have found another possibility now.


First I create a module:


Module SharedFormInstances

Public myForm1 As New Form1()

Public myForm2 As New Form2()

End Module


That gives me access from each form to each other form, without having to declare a lot of things.


Now in the sub form_load I have to declare only "myForm(x)=Me. And then the code goes:


Private Sub Form2_load (...)



Me.BindingContext(objDataSet1, "MyTable").EndCurrentEdit()

Me.BindingContext(objDataSet1, "MyTable").Position = myForm2.ListBox1.SelectedIndex

End Sub


Hope that helps anybody else also.

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