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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone I just came across this forum on Google search, and thought of registering rightaway.


Can anyone here advice me on how to implement forms authentication for my website. It should be something like in this 'vbulletin' software..if a user tries to access any page on my website without loggin in, he/she should be redirected back to the login page.


I have put in the following code in the web.config page


<authentication mode="Forms" >

<forms name="AuthCookie" loginUrl="Login.aspx">:D

<credentials passwordFormat="Clear">

<user name = "sandra" password="bullock"/>






How do I go about doing things further from here? Is there a page attribute that I need to include in every page? or is there some code that I need to include on every page?


Thanks in advance!



Edited by viking

In InvalidLogin.aspx, you should provide input textboxes for the user to enter username and password. In the submit button, you have to do the ff:


           If FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(userName, password) Then
               FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(txtUserName.Text, <True | False for persistent cookie>)
'-Unauthorized user ....
           End If


By the way, InvalidLogin.aspx is a pessimistic term for a login form :)




Thanks much for your suggestions so far:up:


What I found out was that I need to put the following into the web.config file as well..



<deny users="?"/>



After adding the above tags..the users are redirected to the login page.


Then I added this into the click event for the login button




If FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(txtUserName.Text,txtPassword.Text) Then

Dim myurl As String

myurl = FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl(txtUserName.Text, False)

If Not (myurl = "/MySecurity/default.aspx") Then


'The method below takes you back to the page you wanted to go in the first place


FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(txtUserName.Text, False)


lblMsg.Visible = True

lblMsg.Text = "You Are Authenticated"


End If


But now I have something else on hand..


If I were to go to the login page first to get authenticated (without going to any other page). Then the following function bombs..


FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(txtUserName.Text, False)


so..I did a workaround by putting in a check...


myurl = FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl(txtUserName.Text, False)

If Not (myurl = "/MySecurity/default.aspx") Then








But now after succesfully logging in I want to take my user to a welcome page which will have a kind of a site map.


How do I do this?Mind you response.redirect("welcome.aspx") does not work!:(

Call SetAuthCookie() prior to using Response.Redirect.


:confused: Nope! could'nt get it..could you explain a lil further?




Here is the reply !


'Check for login here.....
           Dim userId As String = CheckLogin(email.Text, password.Text)

           If Not (userId Is Nothing) And userId <> "" Then
               ' Use security system to set the UserID within a client-side Cookie
               FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(email.Text, RememberCheckbox.Checked)

               lblError.Text = "Login Failed!"
           End If


and in other pages you can put the following line in Page_Load

           If not Request.IsAuthenticated  Then
           End If


I hope this answers ur query...

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