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How would I avoid that error? It happens on this line of code:

           txtWord.Text = Replace$(txtWord.Text.Chars(I), txtWord.Text.Chars(I), "*")


I've also tried

           txtWord.Text = Replace$(txtWord.Text, txtWord.Text.Chars(I), "*")

but I get the same error.

Any help?


Actually, I do need help.

I get that error on these lines instead:

       Dim SB As New System.Text.StringBuilder(CurWord)
       Dim SBW As New System.Text.StringBuilder(txtWord.Text)
       Dim SBG As New StringBuilder(txtGuess.Text)
       For I = 0 To SB.Length ' Here
           If SB(I) = SBG(I) Then ' Here
               txtWord.Text = Replace(SBW(I), SB(I), SBG(I), 1, I) ' and here
           End If


How do I stop that? Or at least, how do you replace individual characters?


Is there a way to replace individual characters


Dim This As String = "ThisThis"
Dim That As String = "ThatThat"
txtWord.Text = This & That
For I = 0 To txtWord.Text - 1
txtWord.Text = Replace(txtWord.Text, This.Chars(I), That.Chars(I+1))

Something like that, is it possible, if not, how would it be done with the string builder class?

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