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Hey guys, I was wondering if you could provide any tips for the following code I want to write. Basically, I'm building a serial interface with a microcontroller. The interface will read strings from the microcontroller and place the value in the appropriate status box. For example, the microcontroller will send 'A=100' telling me that 100 goes in the 'Amp' textbox. Right now, my code (located below) is capable of sending the right value to the right textbox, but only one string at a time. While values aren't going to be sent constantly, there may be times when the buffer may have more than one string. Say the buffer has "A=100, V=12, P=T, A=121, V=10, ....". How would I read the buffer and separate all the values between the commas? I would then need the separated terms to be put into a new variable for further parsing. I would appreciate any help you guys can provide. Thanks for all the help, this forum has really helped me learn VB on my own!




Private Sub AxMSComm1_OnComm(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxMSComm1.OnComm
   Dim a() As String
   Dim Temp1, Temp2 As String
   Dim String1 As String
   If (AxMSComm1.CommEvent = 2) Then
       String1 = AxMSComm1.Input 'Save buffer into String1
       'Split String1 where '=' is present
       a = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Split(String1, "=") 
       Temp1 = a(0) 'Right side of '='
       Temp2 = a(1) 'Left side of '='
       If (Temp1 = "A") Then
           TextBox1.Text = Temp2 'Send to Amps TextBox
       ElseIf (Temp1 = "V") Then
           TextBox2.Text = Temp2 'Send to Volts TextBox
       ElseIf (Temp1 = "P") Then
           If (Temp2 = "T") Then 'If power is on...
               '...Put  checkmark on Power status box
               CheckBox1.CheckState =CheckState.Checked                       
           ElseIf (Temp2 = "F") Then 'If power is off...
               '...Remove checkmark from Power status box
               CheckBox1.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked 
           End If
       End If
    End If

  • Leaders

   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
       Dim strBuffer As String = "A=100,V=12,P=T,A=121,V=10"
       Dim strArray() As String = Split(strBuffer, ",")
       Dim strLeft As String
       Dim x As Integer

       For x = 0 To UBound(strArray)
           strLeft = Split(strArray(x), "=")(0)
           Select Case strLeft
               Case "A"
                   MessageBox.Show("A has a value of: " & Split(strArray(x), "=")(1))
                   '// your code here for checkboxes etc...
               Case "V"
                   MessageBox.Show("V has a value of: " & Split(strArray(x), "=")(1))
               Case "P"
                   MessageBox.Show("P has a value of: " & Split(strArray(x), "=")(1))
           End Select
   End Sub

hope that helps a little.

  • *Experts*

You could also use Regular expressions to find groups and matches, though what you have seems fine, especially for such simple code. I'd keep it simple and clean since it sounds like you've already got a lot going on with reading from a microcontroller. Why messy up working, readable code with regular expressions (powerful, but not very intuitive).


For the record, a string object has a built in Split method. You can use the following instead of the Split function:

Dim s As String
s = "A=100, B=200"
Dim a() As String
a = s.Split(",")
' instead of a = Split(s, ",")


If you want to try out regular expressions, let me know.



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks for all the help guys, I got it to work! Nerseus, if you can provide any extra info, it would be great. Since I'm learning VB on my own through this forum and the couple of books I have, any extra info would be great! Thanks again!
  • Leaders
   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
       Dim strString() As String = "A=100,P=200,V=300,A=50,P=60,V=78".Split(",") '///add each value between the "," to a string array.
       Dim i As Integer
       For i = LBound(strString) To UBound(strString) '///LBound is the bottom value of the string ,UBound is upper value.
           MessageBox.Show(strString(i)) '/// show the individual items in the array.
   End Sub

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