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Xtreme .Net Talk

Calender Object

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Guest daftpunknl

I`m using the calender so the user can select a date and retrieve records from a database with all records involving that date.


When i list all request.form items the calender seems te send a number indicating the date.


I figured out:


0 = jan-1-2000

1012 = oct-9-2002

-1 = dec-31-1999


How can i set up the calender to use real date's instead of those numbers counting the days since 1-1-2000

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I'm assuming that you're using the MonthCalendar Control....

 Private Sub MonthCalendar1_DateChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DateRangeEventArgs) Handles MonthCalendar1.DateChanged
       MessageBox.Show(e.Start.Month.ToString & "/" & e.Start.Day.ToString & "/" & e.Start.Year.ToString)
End Sub

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Guest daftpunknl



I`m using it in a asp.net project and it doesnt know windows.form.


what should i use instead of the system.windows.form?

Guest daftpunknl

Never mind... got it:


Private Sub Calender_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Calender.SelectionChanged

Response.Write("<BR>" & Calender.SelectedDate & " --> Geselecteerde datum")

End Sub

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