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  • Leaders

as voltface says use Process.Start , you could use a link label and do the following :

   Private Sub LinkLabel1_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles LinkLabel1.LinkClicked
       Dim proc As Process = New Process()
       e.Link.Visited = True '///make the link look like a clicked link in internet explorer.
       proc.Start("IEXPLORE", LinkLabel1.Text) '///launch an instance of internet explorer and navigate to the link off the label.
   End Sub

  • *Experts*

Actually, the better way to do it is this:


Rather than explicitly starting IEXPLORE. If you "run" a document with Process.Start it will open in the default associated app. You also don't need to create a new instance of a Process, unless you plan to handle its events.



Oh, and it's VolteFace. :mad: :D :D

  • Leaders

sorry VolteFace , my spelling goes off after 8pm these days:-\

i generaly use Process so that i can handle it's events after , ie : closing the process from a list and stuff so i just go about it that way, i didnt know that you could just put the link in without IEXPLORE , so i learnt something myself lol.

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