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  • Leaders

hi could anyone shed some light on how to show a second form in .net plz? in vb6 i'd have something like

Public Sub ShwfrmOps_Click()


End Sub


i notice that if i merge a project from vb6 it says frmOps.Definstance.Show but there is no option for this when making a new project in .net, i am rebuilding a totally new client using .net rather than just merging from vb6 as this wont teach me much. basically i'm making me new chat client and going to release a vb6 version and a .net version as the listviews r very good in .net and allow most of the current font characters to show where as the listview / comon control in vb6 shows many characters as ??'s

on my client i have various option forms for example a frmData which shows the server trace on joining etc... now i cant for the life of me find a way to show this form when connecting my client, i click the button and nothing happens, i've tried frmTrace.ActiveForm.Show and a few other ways but nothing:-\

  • Leaders
ok that code shows the form no probs, but if i close the form then try to re-open it ,it crashes and says cannot open a disposed form, so i tried doing stuff like hide etc... and close within the frmTrace closing and from onclosed and the dispose sub but nothing

  • Leaders

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ObjectDisposedException' occurred in system.windows.forms.dll


Additional information: Cannot access a disposed object named "frmTrace".


thats the exact error code, i have to have Dim x As New frmTrace() at the top of the form because i need x.Raw.SelectedText in 3 subs " ocx.DataArrival , Server1 and Server2", if i put Dim x As New frmTrace in the menuTrace_click it will open and close the form without fail but the serverdata never shows in the x.Raw , however if i only do Dim x As New frmTrace at the top of the form it shows the server data, but then once the form is closed it wont re-open, seems to be going round in circles

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