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I dont think so, i have tried to find this but with no luck...


I cant think of any way other than adding the number of lines for

each class or module in your project .

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today
  • Leaders

here ya go , you would have to account for how many forms you have , but you should get the idea :

   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
       Dim str(2) As String, x As Integer
       Dim strLocation As String = Application.StartupPath
       strLocation = Replace(strLocation, "bin", "")
       str(1) = strLocation & "Form1.vb" : str(2) = strLocation & "Form2.vb"

       Dim sr(2) As StreamReader
       For x = 1 To 2
           sr(x) = New StreamReader(New FileStream(str(x), FileMode.Open))
           TextBox1.Text = sr(x).ReadToEnd()
           MessageBox.Show("The Number of Lines in " & str(x) & " is:" & Chr(10) & TextBox1.Lines.Length)
   End Sub

I just do a search in all files, for * it brings back everything and a final value. It includes resource files and form setups etc etc, but its quick and simple.

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