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Posted (edited)

I am trying to upload an image to a targeted folder.

(i.e. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Store\images\)


But my file upload page is in another folder.

(i.e. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Store\admin\)


I use the following code:


Dim strFilePath As String
strFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Server.MapPath("uploadFile.aspx"))

uploadFilePath.PostedFile.SaveAs((strFilePath & "\" & "images" & "\" & txtFileName.Value))

lblTitle.InnerHtml = "File uploaded successfully"

lblMessage.InnerHtml = "Your file was uploaded successfully to <br>" & _
"<b>" & strFilePath & "\" & _
txtFileName.Value & "</b><br>on the Web server."

lblMessage.Visible = True
btnReUpload.Visible = True

HyperLink1.NavigateUrl = "http://localhost/store/images/" & txtFileName.Value
HyperLink1.Visible = True

The thing is that using


I am uploading it to



Any one have any idea to load it into my desired folder??





Edited by Robby
  • *Experts*

Append a ".." to the file name, and it will be smart enough to

back up one directory, like so:



"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up

These are the best days of our lives"

-The Ataris, In This Diary

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