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I have made an inefficient filtering program that someone may be able to help me with. I am using lines from "FILE A" (aka "A") to match against lines that appear in "FILE B" (aka "B"). I would like to remove this information from "B" as soon as the match is made.


As it stands now, the program loops through "B" for every line in "A" trying to find a match. If a match is made, then the data is stored in a QUEUE. After the loop has cycled through all the lines in "A", all the data from "B" is stored in an ARRAY.


Finally, another loop is made to cycle through the ARRAY for every item in the QUEUE trying to make a match. Where the line matches, the current element in the ARRAY is set to nothing. With this loop ending, I print the every element of the ARRAY (minus the blank ones) to a file.


I realize this may be a little hard to understand, but it may help with the following code. Also, the variables might be confusing for i did not spend time trying to name them :


Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
       Dim count As Integer
       Dim count2 As Integer
       Dim count3 As Integer
       Dim int As Integer = qCreatedFiles.Count - 1
       Dim strFileDataBase As String
       Dim strDBCommand As String
       Dim strFileTitle As String
       ProgressBar1.Visible = True
       ProgressBar1.Minimum = 1
       ProgressBar1.Value = 1
       ProgressBar1.Step = 1

       For count2 = 0 To int
           strFileTitle = qCreatedFiles.Dequeue
           strDBCommand = "SELECT * From " & strFileTitle
           cmd = New OleDbCommand(strDBCommand)
           objCmd.SelectCommand = cmd
           objCmd.SelectCommand.Connection = con
           objCmd.Fill(ds, strFileTitle)
           ProgressBar1.Maximum = ds.Tables(strFileTitle).Rows.Count

           For count = 0 To ds.Tables(strFileTitle).Rows.Count - 1
               strFileDataBase = ds.Tables(strFileTitle).Rows(count)(0)
               FileScan(strFileDataBase, strFileTitle)

           ProgressBar1.Value = 1
   End Sub

Sub FileScan(ByVal str As String, ByVal strFileTitle As String)
       Dim count As Integer
       Dim count2 As Integer
       Dim intBuf As Int16 = FreeFile()
       Dim strFileData As String
       FileOpen(intBuf, "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Docs\" & strFileTitle & ".txt", OpenMode.Input)

       Do Until EOF(intBuf)
           strFileData = LineInput(intBuf)
           If str = strFileData Then
           End If
           If strFileData = "" Then
           End If
   End Sub

Edited by divil
Stress is directly associated with programming. But if I keep moving on to new stresses, then I am doing my job correctly!
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you'd be much better off using streamreader / writer.


Imports System.IO
'/// at top of your code window^^^^
   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
       Dim Thefile As String = "C:\test.txt"
       FileScan("", Thefile)
   End Sub

   Sub FileScan(ByVal str As String, ByVal strFileTitle As String)
       Dim strReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(New FileStream(strFileTitle, FileMode.Open))
       str = strReader.ReadLine
       While strReader.Peek <> -1
           '/// your sorting code here
           str = strReader.ReadLine
       End While
   End Sub

putting something like your line's text from the database where it says "FileScan("", Thefile)" and then you could do an if else , like this :

   Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
       Dim Thefile As String = "C:\test.txt"
       Dim TheLine As String = "testing 123" '/// your text to compare here.
       FileScan(TheLine, Thefile)
   End Sub

   Sub FileScan(ByVal str As String, ByVal strFileTitle As String)
       Dim strReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(New FileStream(strFileTitle, FileMode.Open))
       If str = strReader.ReadLine Then
           MsgBox("you already have that line!")
           str = ""
           str = strReader.ReadLine
       End If

       While strReader.Peek <> -1
           str = strReader.ReadLine
       End While
   End Sub


Can i write to the file while it is in open mode?


So as soon as the match is made i can just write to the file?

I dont see how this is done in the code. i am not familiar with the stream writer.

Stress is directly associated with programming. But if I keep moving on to new stresses, then I am doing my job correctly!

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