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How would I dynamically create controls in vb.net when the program is running?

i.e. control of location of new controls,

accessing methods and properties, ect?

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try this...

'class level...

Friend WithEvents txt1 As New TextBox()

'inside any routine...

       With txt1
           .Location = New Point(100, 100)
           .Size = New Size(200, 50)
           .Text = "Hello"
           .TabIndex = 0
           .Visible = True

       End With

Visit...Bassic Software

ok, i tried your suggestion and I am getting a runtime error ...

An unhandled exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' occurred in system.windows.forms.dll


Additional information: Error creating window handle.


Here is the code that I am using:


Private Sub frm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
       'main sub is used to initialize database connections and form objects
       addControls() 'add dynamic form controls
end sub

Private Sub addControls()
      .....database connection code ....

       Dim i As Integer = 1
       'add a row of controls for each record
       Do Until objRs.EOF
           ''''lbl = New Label()
           ''''cbo = New ComboBox()
           ''''textFirst = New TextBox()
           ''''textLast = New TextBox()
           ReDim Preserve lbl(i)
           ReDim Preserve cbo(i)
           ReDim Preserve textFirst(i)
           ReDim Preserve textLast(i)
           With lbl(i)
               .Text = objRs.Fields("TeamName").Value
               .Location = New Point(8, 104 + i * 40)
               '.Size = New Size(100, 50)
               .Name = lbl(i).ToString
           End With
           With cbo(i)
               .Items.AddRange(New Object() {"Active", "Bye"})
               .Text = "Active"
               .Location = New Point(112, 96 + i * 40)

               .Size = New System.Drawing.Size(121, 29)
               AddHandler .SelectedValueChanged, AddressOf handlercboclick
               .Name = cbo(i).ToString
           End With
           With textFirst(i)
               .Location = New System.Drawing.Point(248, 96 + i * 40)

               .Text = ""
               .Name = textFirst(i).ToString
           End With
           With textLast(i)
               .Location = New System.Drawing.Point(368, 96 + i * 40)

               .Text = ""
               .Name = textLast(i).ToString
           End With


           i = i + 1
   End Sub

any suggestions on how to make this work would be greatly appreciated.


What was the solution to your problem? Taking a quick glance at your code I'm assuming the bottleneck is with the redim preserves.
Gamer extraordinaire. Programmer wannabe.

I attempted to debug the code by first commenting out the database code. Result - the dynamic code worked fine.

Therein, I discovered that I neglected to include the "objCon = new adodb.connection" constructors.


So, my main problem was with the database constructors.


However, I also decided that using control arrays was not necessary and were a waste of memory. So, instead I just created a loop:


do until objrs.eof
lbl=new label
btn=new button
with lbl
.text="new label"
end with
with btn
.text="new button"
end with

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