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If you're willing to read what I'm about to type and copy/paste then you may want to get a can of soda, you'll be here a while. Oh.. and thanks for doing so. :)


Now to the problem. I'm not really sure how to explain this, except that when I use OUTER JOIN and two SUM()s in a SELECT, it computes the sum incorrectly. This is the SELECT query in which I'm having the problem with (I'll get to my table designs in just a second);


prod_items.wholesale, 	prod_items.retail, 
prod_cats.name AS category, 
SUM(total_bought) AS bought, 
SUM(total_sold) AS sold  

FROM prod_items  

JOIN prod_cats ON (prod_items.cat_id = prod_cats.id) 
LEFT OUTER JOIN prod_items_bought ON (prod_items.id = prod_items_bought.item_id) 
LEFT OUTER JOIN prod_items_sold ON (prod_items.id = prod_items_sold.item_id)

WHERE cat_id = 6 


ORDER BY description, prod_items.id  


To make sense out of what the heck this SELECT query is doing, I've gone ahead and did a SELECT * FROM table in all of the tables that this SELECT query uses. I'm hoping the column names are self explanatory, and the sample data in which you're about to see will help make sense of the problem as I further explain as we go. I apologize if the data is a little hard to read.


1> select * from prod_items
2> go
id          item_number    description                    cat_id obsolete wholesale    retail
----------- -------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------- ------------ ------------
          1 030530144407V  56dfg                               5        0        .0000        .0000
          2 030530145237V  Hfd                                 5        0      23.0000     234.0000
          5 030531170748V  More leaves                         6        0        .0000        .0000
          7 030531170747V  Neck dupe item #                    5        1      43.0000      64.0000
          8 030603233140V  Sdf                                 6        0        .0000        .0000
          3 030531170749V  Sdf                                 5        0      23.0000      54.0000
          4 030531170747V  Small Earrings                      6        0       1.0000       3.0000
          9 030608150624V  Some item..                         6        0      11.0000      22.0000
          6 030531170747V  Test dupe item                      6        1       3.0000      10.0000

(9 rows affected)

1> select * from prod_cats
2> go
id     name
------ --------------------
     5 Necklaces
     6 Leaves

(2 rows affected)

1> select * from shows
2> go
id          name                           city            state start_date          end_date
----------- ------------------------------ --------------- ----- ------------------- -------------------
          6 [show Name]                    [City]          CA    2003-06-01 00:00:00 2003-06-01 00:00:00
          7 June 2                         [City]          CA    2003-06-02 00:00:00 2003-06-02 00:00:00
          3 Some show                      Some city       ST    2003-06-07 00:00:00 2003-06-08 00:00:00
          1 Art Festival                   Pleasanton      CA    2003-06-10 00:00:00 2003-06-11 00:00:00
          5 Another show                   Another city    CA    2003-06-20 00:00:00 2003-06-21 00:00:00
          4 Cross month show               City            CA    2003-06-30 00:00:00 2003-07-01 00:00:00
          2 Art Festival                   Stockton        VA    2003-09-11 00:00:00 2003-09-12 00:00:00

(7 rows affected)

1> select * from prod_items_bought
2> go
id          total_bought cost         item_id     date_bought
----------- ------------ ------------ ----------- -------------------
          4            1       1.0000           4 2003-06-09 11:23:00
          3            1       3.0000           6 2003-06-09 11:12:00
          2            2       6.0000           6 2003-06-08 23:59:00
          1            2      22.0000           9 2003-06-08 23:53:00

(4 rows affected)

1> select * from prod_items_sold
2> go
id          total_sold amount       item_id     show_id     date_sold

----------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ----------- -------------------
          4          1      12.0000           6        NULL 2003-06-09 23:59:00
          2          1      30.0000           9        NULL 2003-06-09 23:54:00
          5          2      20.0000           6        NULL 2003-06-09 11:04:00
          6          5      50.0000           6        NULL 2003-06-09 11:04:00
          3          1      15.0000           6           3 2003-06-08 23:59:00
          1          1      25.0000           9           3 2003-06-08 23:54:00


Take a look closely at total_bought and total_sold from the prod_items_bought and prod_items_sold tables. As you notice, for total_bought, item_id 4 has a total of 1 bought, item_id 6 has a total of 3 bought, item_id 9 has a total of 2 bought. For total_sold, item_id 6 has a total of 9 sold and item_id 9 has a total of 2 sold. This is the information in which I'd expect my SELECT query to retrieve using SUM(). Unfortunately, it's not. Take a look below.


2>      prod_items.id,
3>      prod_items.item_number,
4>      prod_items.description,
5>      prod_items.obsolete,
6>      prod_items.wholesale,
8>      prod_items.retail,
9>      prod_cats.name AS category,
10>     SUM(total_bought) AS bought,
11>     SUM(total_sold) AS sold
13> FROM prod_items
15> JOIN prod_cats ON (prod_items.cat_id = prod_cats.id)
16> LEFT OUTER JOIN prod_items_bought ON (prod_items.id = prod_items_bought.item_id)
17> LEFT OUTER JOIN prod_items_sold ON (prod_items.id = prod_items_sold.item_id)
19> WHERE cat_id = 6
22>     prod_items.id,
23>     prod_items.item_number,
25>     prod_items.description,
26>     prod_items.obsolete,
27>     prod_items.wholesale,
28>     prod_items.retail,
29>     prod_cats.name
31> ORDER BY description, prod_items.id
32> go
id          item_number    description                    obsolete wholesale    retail       category             bought      sold
----------- -------------- ------------------------------ -------- ------------ ------------ -------------------- ----------- -----------
          5 030531170748V  More leaves                           0        .0000        .0000 Leaves                      NULL        NULL
          8 030603233140V  Sdf                                   0        .0000        .0000 Leaves                      NULL        NULL
          4 030531170747V  Small Earrings                        0       1.0000       3.0000 Leaves                         1        NULL
          9 030608150624V  Some item..                           0      11.0000      22.0000 Leaves                         4           2
          6 030531170747V  Test dupe item                        1       3.0000      10.0000 Leaves                        12          18
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.


Notice the bought/sold totals? The only correct values are item_id 4, which has a total bought of 1, item_id 9 which has a total sold of 2. Yet item_id 9 has an incorrect total bought of 4 (supposed to be 2), and item_id 6 has the wrong total bought of 12 (should be 3) and total sold of 18 (should be 9). I cannot seem to figure out why.


Also while I'm at it, what does the Warning that it gave me mean? :) Perhaps it's linked to my problem and I just don't know it.


(post is so freak'n long I gotta make a second post.. to be continued!)

Gamer extraordinaire. Programmer wannabe.

In any case, if I remove one of the SUMs and the LEFT OUTER JOIN table that belongs to it, it calculates correctly. Weird. Take a look for yourself (for views sake, I commented out the SUM and LEFT OUTER JOIN in which I initially removed, that way you could see what was taken out of the original query)


2>      prod_items.id,
3>      prod_items.item_number,
4>      prod_items.description,
5>      prod_items.obsolete,
6>      prod_items.wholesale,   prod_items.retail,
7>      prod_cats.name AS category,
8>      SUM(total_bought) AS bought --,
9>      --SUM(total_sold) AS sold
11> FROM prod_items
13> JOIN prod_cats ON (prod_items.cat_id = prod_cats.id)
14> LEFT OUTER JOIN prod_items_bought ON (prod_items.id = prod_items_bought.item_id)
15> --LEFT OUTER JOIN prod_items_sold ON (prod_items.id = prod_items_sold.item_id)
17> WHERE cat_id = 6
20>     prod_items.id,
21>     prod_items.item_number,         prod_items.description,
22>     prod_items.obsolete,
23>     prod_items.wholesale,
24>     prod_items.retail,
25>     prod_cats.name
27> ORDER BY description, prod_items.id
28> go
id          item_number    description                    obsolete wholesale    retail       category             bought
----------- -------------- ------------------------------ -------- ------------ ------------ -------------------- -----------
          5 030531170748V  More leaves                           0        .0000        .0000 Leaves                      NULL
          8 030603233140V  Sdf                                   0        .0000        .0000 Leaves                      NULL
          4 030531170747V  Small Earrings                        0       1.0000       3.0000 Leaves                         1
          9 030608150624V  Some item..                           0      11.0000      22.0000 Leaves                         2
          6 030531170747V  Test dupe item                        1       3.0000      10.0000 Leaves                         3
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

(5 rows affected)

2>      prod_items.id,
3>      prod_items.item_number,
4>      prod_items.description,
5>      prod_items.obsolete,
6>      prod_items.wholesale,   prod_items.retail,
7>      prod_cats.name AS category,
8>      --SUM(total_bought) AS bought,
9>      SUM(total_sold) AS sold
11> FROM prod_items
13> JOIN prod_cats ON (prod_items.cat_id = prod_cats.id)
14> --LEFT OUTER JOIN prod_items_bought ON (prod_items.id = prod_items_bought.item_id)
15> LEFT OUTER JOIN prod_items_sold ON (prod_items.id = prod_items_sold.item_id)
17> WHERE cat_id = 6
20>     prod_items.id,
21>     prod_items.item_number,         prod_items.description,
22>     prod_items.obsolete,
23>     prod_items.wholesale,
24>     prod_items.retail,
25>     prod_cats.name
27> ORDER BY description, prod_items.id
28> go
id          item_number    description                    obsolete wholesale    retail       category             sold
----------- -------------- ------------------------------ -------- ------------ ------------ -------------------- -----------
          5 030531170748V  More leaves                           0        .0000        .0000 Leaves                      NULL
          8 030603233140V  Sdf                                   0        .0000        .0000 Leaves                      NULL
          4 030531170747V  Small Earrings                        0       1.0000       3.0000 Leaves                      NULL
          9 030608150624V  Some item..                           0      11.0000      22.0000 Leaves                         2
          6 030531170747V  Test dupe item                        1       3.0000      10.0000 Leaves                         9
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

(5 rows affected)


If anyone has any insight as to why this is so, I'm all ears. At the very least, thanks for reading and a double thanks to anyone who responds.

Gamer extraordinaire. Programmer wannabe.
  • Administrators

Too late and too much drink to look over all that (will promise to do so in the morning though)

The 'Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation' message you are getting basically means there are NULL values in one or more of the fields you are perfoming aggregate operations on (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX etc) - this can throw the results of some operations (AVG for example)., not sure why that should affect a sum though?


how are the tables related?

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Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.

-- Albert Einstein


Thanks for the info. Have any suggestions on how I can force a return of 0 instead of NULL?


Here are the table relations;


prod_items.cat_id foreign key to prod_cats.id

prod_items_bought.item_id foreign key to prod_items.id

prod_items_sold.item_id foreign key to prod_items.id

prod_items_sold.show_id foreign key to prod_shows.id

Gamer extraordinaire. Programmer wannabe.

Pondering about this myself, I decided to go ahead and re-write the SELECT query with subqueries. It works as intended, but JOINs are supposed to be more efficient with a simple SELECT query like mine (at least that's what I remember reading somewhere).


Regardless of finding another solution that works, I'd still like to solve the problem in my original with JOINs. Even if JOINs really aren't that more efficient then subqueries, I'd still like to know why the wrong calculations were produced, that way I can spot this potential problem in the future.


Here's the solution using subqueries;


2>      prod_items.id,
3>      prod_items.item_number,
4>      prod_items.description,
5>      prod_items.obsolete,
6>      prod_items.wholesale,
7>      prod_items.retail,
8>      prod_cats.name AS category,
10>     (SELECT SUM(total_bought)
11>             FROM prod_items_bought
12>             WHERE prod_items_bought.item_id = prod_items.id) AS bought,
14>     (SELECT SUM(total_sold)
15>             FROM prod_items_sold
16>             WHERE prod_items_sold.item_id = prod_items.id) AS sold
18> FROM prod_items
20> JOIN prod_cats ON (prod_items.cat_id = prod_cats.id)
21> WHERE cat_id = 6
22> ORDER BY description, prod_items.id
23> go
id          item_number    description                    obsolete wholesale    retail       category             bought      sold
----------- -------------- ------------------------------ -------- ------------ ------------ -------------------- ----------- -----------
          5 030531170748V  More leaves                           0        .0000        .0000 Leaves                      NULL        NULL
          8 030603233140V  Sdf                                   0        .0000        .0000 Leaves                      NULL        NULL
          4 030531170747V  Small Earrings                        0       1.0000       3.0000 Leaves                         1        NULL
          9 030608150624V  Some item..                           0      11.0000      22.0000 Leaves                         2           2
          6 030531170747V  Test dupe item                        1       3.0000      10.0000 Leaves                         3           9

(5 rows affected)

Gamer extraordinaire. Programmer wannabe.

Just looked over at my thread on microsoft.public.sqlserver.programming and am getting some interesting solutions on there. If anyone is up for a read;




Oh.. and my problem is pretty much solved. If anyone has any other solutions not given either in this thread or in the link above, I'm more then willing to give 'em a shot to see if they're more efficient.

Gamer extraordinaire. Programmer wannabe.

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