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Okay... time to get explanatory. I'm attempting to include a section on my website that displays users currently logged on, and the number of guests that are on the site. I have a DB setup with the appropriate fields, and have no problem populating them (adding a guest upon opening the site, adding a user that's logged in to my list), but rather unpopulating/updating them upon the user leaving.


I've seen this done in many PHP sites, and some .NET, but don't know how to do it myself. Should this be a global.asax thing? I've yet to do a project with global.asax, and this is probably a good time to start. Please let me know.


the website is http://www.JoshAndBrandi.com/NEW/


feel free to take a look and provide any other constructive criticism. BTW, this site is going to be 100% text/css - NO PICTURES. I'm attempting to provide a VERY speedy product for people that are even on dial-up.



  • *Gurus*
You're going about this the wrong way. Instead of looking for an event (the web is a stateless environment, no matter how much one would like it otherwise) that signifies a user leaving, keep track of when they have been there. Each time a user visits a page update a "LastActivity" field in your database with the current date and time. Then, on your "who's online" page, query for those users who have been active within the last 15 minutes or so.

are layers really more efficient than tables?

and do layers work properly on non-IE browsers??


(Probably wrong forum for these kinds of questions, but they seemed relevant to the thread....)

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today cos they pi**ed me off.
Actually, After looking into Layers, I can't say that they're necessarily any more efficient than tables. I know tables take time to render, but c'mon - what doesn't? And for the end result I want, I don't see an efficient way to implement layers.

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