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  • *Experts*

That game will be cool :)

But you gotta loose the picture boxes, they are slow. Draw your character with the GDI+ methods becuase you can take advantage of double buffering.

  • *Experts*
Posted (edited)

I changed some code to make it draw with GDI+ :)

Look through it, its not everything because i didnt have a lot of time.


To Mods: The bin folder only contains graphics so it easier to get the path, no executables.


Btw. Where did you get those graphics? I was looking for something like this for a long time to do my school project :)

Edited by mutant
  • *Experts*

Oh, i made a little mistake :)

Instead of drawing the background in paint, set the background image of the form to that image. It will be a lot faster.

  • *Experts*



Im not sure what is the excat name of the color that is the background of the bimap but you have to set the TransparenceKey of your form to match the color that is the background of the bitmap. When you do that the form will make the picked color transparent. Is the most common to use pink as the backgrounds as its not used so much, becuase it will make other things that you dont draw transparent too.


btw. (for testing puroses) set the background color to black and set the transparencykey to black. that didnt work



SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, True) SetSTyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True)

I added

Setstyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, True)

Setstyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True)


with that, it didn't work either

My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


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do i need to add the reference


( i added the reference stdole.dll )


check this code out


Public Class Level1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form



Private Sub Level1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint


e.Graphics.DrawIcon(New Icon("marioright1"), 5, 5)


End Sub


End Class

My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


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  • *Experts*

Yes I know but I never really saw a game that used icons :)

And i fixed the problem :) I was thinking of the wrong thing. Put this code in the paint event: (assuming you want to make black transparent for example)

Dim marioimg As New Bitmap(marioimage)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(New Bitmap(marioimg), pt) 'draw the mario image at the specified point


error: marioimg cannot be null


Private Sub Level1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint


e.Graphics.DrawImage(New Bitmap(marioimg), pt)

End Sub



Private Sub Level1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, True) 'This will lower the flicker

SetSTyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True) 'This will lower it too :)

pt = New Point(20, 300) 'starting point

marioimage = "marioright0.bmp" 'starting pic

imagecount = 0 'starting piccount

flyimagecount = -1 'starting flypiccount

jumpinc = 5 'pixels on jump increase

End Sub

End Class

My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


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  • *Experts*

I dont see you declaring the marioimg anywhere like i did :) You are trying to modify a bitmap that wasnt even declared yet.

And the code I just posted works for me :) Copy the code excatly like i showed and it should work.

Posted (edited)



in the jumping event, i want mario to Jump, but, if he's jumpinf right, he has to move right, and use the state, MarioRight1, or MarioLeft1




the important thing is.. i want the user to actually be pressing Right and Space at the Same time to jump Right.




for the scrolling should i use this format?


if <mario goes halfway through the screen> THen

<make the right edge of the form extended>

<Contract the left edge of the form>

<move the form left to appear as if nothin happened>

End If


But.. i dont know how to extend/contract the Left and Right edges of the form


i cant do, form1.left -= <something>

it will only move one side of the form


or, is there another way i can do scrolling?


the way i mentioned above can only be possible if you have control over the left and right sides of the form


Should i use a Media player as a MIDI player in my game? or does that take up too much memory?


Edited by PlausiblyDamp

My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


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  • *Experts*

I dont know if this will help you a lot :)

Now you have to press right slightly before space, almost the same time :) and mario will now not be able to move while jumping so if you jump right you go right until you get to ground :)

Posted (edited)

oh, thanks for fixing the problem

the very LAST thing:D im gonna ask is(yes, i ask too many questions):


i have the collision detection for the blocks. But when you jump left and right and you hit the blocks, what happens is it doesnt work, but when you stand underneath the block and hit it, it works.. and btw.. my "destroyed block" names are DestroyedBLock1, DestroyedBlock2.. all the way up through 5


the only problem is, it displays only one block, after you hit the next, the original disappears..


and Can i display a new level after closing the first level?


thank you so much for ur help :cool:, i tend to get confused in some of the -technical- aspects of game programming :confused:


the file is attached


oh, sorry about the label at the top of the form, i use it to check for some of the collision detection values! wow, mutant ur like the only one who actualy answers my questions


Edited by PlausiblyDamp

My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


My Project (Need VB.NET Programmers)


  • *Experts*

Can you explain this part of the code? Im not really sure what it is suposed to do :)

           If pt.X >= 100 And pt.X <= 131 Then
               BlockValue = 1 'All the BlockValue code will be of use later, not now
               bPT.X = 118
           End If

           If pt.X >= 120 And pt.X <= 151 Then
               BlockValue = 2
               bPT.X = 148
           End If

           If pt.X >= 216 And pt.X <= 247 Then
               BlockValue = 3
               bPT.X = 238
           End If

           If pt.X >= 307 And pt.X <= 338 Then
               BlockValue = 4
               bPT.X = 328
           End If

           If pt.X >= 332 And pt.X <= 363 Then
               BlockValue = 5
               bPT.X = 357
           End If





notice how the blocks are the same height?

ok bPT is the coordinates for the destroyed block

thats bPT.Y, its always gonna be the same height


so, when what happens is, when mario goes to a certain point:

If pt.X >= 100 And pt.X <= 131

then the bPT value will be set. Once the bPT value is set, a 'destroyed block' image replaces(or goes on top of) the original block image.. Basically the bPT value is the coordinates for the destroyed block image. The Destroyed block image has a red question mark.



as for the BlockValue = 1, there's a bunch of DestroyedBLock images(actually Five, one for each block, the destroyed block images: DestroyedBlock1.bmp, destroyedblock2.bmp)

so what im trying to do is:


If mario gets between a certain point:

If pt.X >= 100 And pt.X <= 131

'In this case he would be underneath block 1

set the block value to 1

invalidate the form

when it goes to form1.paint:

it will say

e.drawgraphics(new bitmap(blockimg), bPT)

'by the way:

blockimg = "DestroyedBlock" & BlockValue ".bmp"

when the form loads it sets the bPT.Y to like 253 or something

because the blocks are all the same height


what i was trying to do was display 5 different blocks by using the blockValue and saying, on the first block display 'DestroyedBlock1'

on the second block display 'destroyedBlock2. But what happens is, the first block goes away and the second one appears :( i cant get it to work


bottm line:

the code you posted above is the collision detection stuff ;)

My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


My Project (Need VB.NET Programmers)


  • *Experts*
Posted (edited)

Replace that piece of code with:

       If pt.Y = 265 Then 'if mario is in the height of the box
           If pt.X >= 100 And pt.X <= 121 Then
               BlockValue = 1 'All the BlockValue code will be of use later, not now
               bPT.X = 118
           ElseIf pt.X >= 130 And pt.X <= 151 Then
               BlockValue = 2
               bPT.X = 148
           ElseIf pt.X >= 216 And pt.X <= 247 Then
               BlockValue = 3
               bPT.X = 238
           ElseIf pt.X >= 307 And pt.X <= 338 Then
               BlockValue = 4
               bPT.X = 328
           ElseIf pt.X >= 332 And pt.X <= 363 Then
               BlockValue = 5
               bPT.X = 357
           End If
       End If
       If pt.Y = 300 Then
           jumpinc = 5 'return to jumping up
           jumpheight = 0 'return to normal position
           jumping = False 'not jumping anymore
           marioimage = "marioright0.bmp" 'default image
           JumpTimer.Enabled = False 'disbale timer
           jr2 = False
           jl2 = False
           Me.Invalidate() 'repaint form
           Exit Sub
       End If


You see, what you were doing is checking what block to draw when mario was back on the ground, which would light up the box over him when he lands. You have to check for the box when he is at the height of the boxes.


Edited by mutant

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