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i created a visual C# project(windows application) and i added an existing project (a visual C++ project). The project in c++ is actually a library with a lot of functions and structures.


Now, i don't know how to access the functions in c# from the c++ project.

An ideea was to include a lib file in the c# project (windows application), but i don't know how.

Another ideea was to make a dll file and include this one in the c# project. The problem is that all the functions have as parameters structures defined in that lib/dll file (and i don't know how to access them).


Please, help me with a solution on how to resolv this problem.



  • *Experts*

Is that a managed C++ dll?

If yes then in your C# project go solution explorer, expand your project, and go to references and browse for your dll and add it.


Is that the terminator, mutant?


I am pretty sure you can put something like this above your unmanaged c++ function:


"Your function goes here"

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