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There is a completly free version of GhostInstaller at ginstall.com. Theirs newest product support NET Framework install (I didn't find it out how it works, but they say it is). This is a freeware wersion, so it is not as good as the comercial ones, it is event worst, the whole instalation user should to create by his hand typing some code with XML structure. But there is a greate help file so, it should be so difficult.


I'm not sure which version I have, and which they sugest to downoload, I've done it form ZDNET


Isn't it great...?

My Dear I think , installer which is integerated with VS IDE is best and much much easier to use. i have Install Shied Developer 8. and when first time i run it i was unable to understand where to go and where to not to go. I have used ghost installer since long time ago its realy very nice but it requires some work.

The one and only

Dr. Madz


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