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does anyone know any good links for game programming for begginners for VB.NET?



i have made games like tic tac toe and pong and whack a mole

and i want to start making mario-type games or RPG games



i have tried DirectX.. and i am confused :confused: , so can some1 help me out on game programming

My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


My Project (Need VB.NET Programmers)


http://www.directx4vb.com and read DirectDraw in the DirectX 7 section for 2D and Direct3D in the DirectX 8 and 9 sections. Read tutorials on game programming for Visual Basic 6(There are heaps of these) and most of the theory is applicable to VB.Net as the syntax is the same.
.Net allows software to be written for any version of Windows and not break like Unmanaged applications unless using Unmanaged procedures like APIs. If your program uses large amounts of memory but releases it when something else needs it, then what's the problem?
http://www.gamedev.net is pretty much the central game programming site. However you won't find any .NET specific answers here, but you will find answers to game programming questions in general.
Gamer extraordinaire. Programmer wannabe.





i found a good tutorial on that website


i tried converting it to VB using the same functions but, the converter wont work properly it gives a ton of errors


but anyone who's interested in doing some DIrectX with C# check out the URL above, its got a NICE tutorial, i understand the concept of DirectX now, but i cant understand some of the syntax on the site,


that tutorial basically gives how to initialize directDraw, but i cant do the same in VB, i know a LOT of VB, and im making a Mario- type game, but the graphics flicker and so i want to get directX to make it run smooth. bitBlt is too slow. I may be stubborn but i want to learn directX 9 for VB.NET, notice how i have numerous posts about directX, and initiallizing


my point is: in the URL specified, can someone convert that to VB and post it, with additional comments please(i hope in not asking too much)?

My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


My Project (Need VB.NET Programmers)



Just go to google and type "DirectX tutorial". You'll find good links over there. I use this Query for all sort of things:

"XML tutorial", "asp tutorial"...


You get better results for individual languages by:

"DirectX Tutorial" "VB.Net"

.Net allows software to be written for any version of Windows and not break like Unmanaged applications unless using Unmanaged procedures like APIs. If your program uses large amounts of memory but releases it when something else needs it, then what's the problem?
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