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does anyone know how to do the following in vb.net:


Private Type ID3Tag

Tag As String * 3

Title As String * 30

Artist As String * 30

Album As String * 30

Year As String * 4

Comment As String * 28

End Type


i know that you make is a structure:


Private Structure ID3Tag

Public Tag As String

Public Title As String

Public Artist As String

Public Album As String

Public Year As String

Public Comment As String

End Structure


but how do you specify the lenth of the properties? thanks...


quoted from http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbcn7/html/vaconstringlength.asp


In Visual Basic .NET, you cannot declare a string to have a fixed length unless you use the VBFixedStringAttribute Class attribute in the declaration.

You declare a string without a length. When your code assigns a value to the string, the length of the value determines the length of the string, as in the following example:


Dim Name As String 
' ... 
Name = "Name is now 30 characters long" ' Length can be changed later. 

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