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Txtbox with multiline --> & MAXLENGTH?


Is it possible to make the textbox's maxlength set to a value you like when you use multiline?


If not i think that's not at all handy, specialy not when using a database.


Can someone help?




The problem is that multiline and maxlength don't work togheter.


It's or multiline or maxlength. You can put multiline and a maxlength but the maxlength propertie then stops working!


I've just made a validation afterwards before writing to the database. It looks like this


If txtOmschrijving.Text.Length > 175 Then

lblTekens.Visible = True

lblTekens.Text = "Geef minder dan 175 tekens in a.u.b."

Exit Sub



where lblTekens is a sort of errorfield like a validator field

it is hidden afterwards, when the field is validated again and has less then 175 characters.




When I set the MultiLine property to true & changed the number

in the Maxlength property, it restricted the number of characters,

regardless of the MultiLine property being true.

Where exactly do you have the validation code?


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