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I have a Access database, and i have a query in it that contains a field No for the Customers: Customer.No in the query. And it contains Service Item.No in the same way because the No is identical.


I also have a datagrid in which i'd like to include the field Service Item.No but the lines



Line 116: <asp:TemplateColumn Visible="false">

Line 117: <ItemTemplate>

Line 118: <asp:Label id="P_id" text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"[service Item.No]")%>' runat="server">

Line 119: </asp:Label>

Line 120: </ItemTemplate>


seems to fail on line 118 the because of the . in it?

Can someone help?

thanks a lot, Greetz,


:p :p


Prob Solved!


No sweat guys,


Everyone looking here, thx for the effort.


I've made my select different with AS to create a better name for the difficult fields.


select [service Item.No] AS SINo from table

then it's easy to use with SINo as fieldname!


see you later,





to use "." or "-" or other special characters in fieldnames is in my eyes :o :mad: .

I would never ever do this. Even if it's allowed. Also take care for reserved words.

You see what problems can raise and I'm sure all of us can give some examples where we experienced similar problems with that.

:D ;)

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