Roey Posted May 12, 2003 Posted May 12, 2003 I have an n-tiered app developed using VB6 that I am trying to convert to .Net. I am passing data between the tiers using datasets, and can populate screens on the user interface without any problems. The question I have is how do I update the database using a dataset, have read that I need to use a the dataadapter.update method but can't seem to figure it out. Here's an example of my code: VB6 ---- Public Function Add_Item(rsNewItemDetails As ADODB.Recordset) As Boolean On Error GoTo BadInsert cnMRP.Open cnMRP.CursorLocation = adUseServer strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblItemMaster WHERE 1=2" rsItemDetails.LockType = adLockOptimistic rsItemDetails.CursorType = adOpenKeyset rsItemDetails.Open strSQL, cnMRP, , , adCmdText With rsItemDetails .AddNew !ItemNo = rsNewItemDetails!ItemNo !ItemDescShort = rsNewItemDetails!ItemDescShort !ItemDescLong = rsNewItemDetails!ItemDescLong !CatID = rsNewItemDetails!CatID !UMID = rsNewItemDetails!UMID !SafetyStock = rsNewItemDetails!SafetyStock !MinOrderQty = rsNewItemDetails!MinOrderQty !MaxOrderQty = rsNewItemDetails!MaxOrderQty !VendorID = rsNewItemDetails!VendorID !VendorItemNumber = rsNewItemDetails!VendorItemNumber !LeadTime = rsNewItemDetails!LeadTime !CostPurchase = rsNewItemDetails!CostPurchase !ClassID = rsNewItemDetails!ClassID !CostStandard = rsNewItemDetails!CostStandard !CostEstimated = rsNewItemDetails!CostEstimated !CostAverage = rsNewItemDetails!CostAverage !CostLast = rsNewItemDetails!CostLast !InventoryValue = rsNewItemDetails!InventoryValue !EngLevel = rsNewItemDetails!EngLevel !DrawingNumber = rsNewItemDetails!DrawingNumber !DrawingLocation = rsNewItemDetails!DrawingLocation !TypeID = rsNewItemDetails!TypeID .Update End With Add_Item = True cnMRP.Close Exit Function BadInsert: Select Case Err.Number Case -2147217887 Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 512 + 1, _ Description:="Duplicate Values Exist for this Item" Err.Clear Case Else Err.Raise Err.Number & Err.Description Err.Clear End Select Add_Item = False cnMRP.Close End Function .Net ----- Public Function Add_Item(ByVal ItemDetails As DataSet) As Boolean Dim mySelectCommand As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, oConnection) Dim myOleDbDataAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(mySelectCommand) myOleDbDataAdapter.Update(dsReturn) Add_Item = True End Function Quote
Madz Posted May 12, 2003 Posted May 12, 2003 in .NET when ever your try to update you must have an Update command assosicated with a data adapter and then you can call update method. Quote The one and only Dr. Madz eee-m@il
sizer Posted May 12, 2003 Posted May 12, 2003 DATAADAPTER Before you call Adapter.Update you have to declare OleDBcommands: Dim adp As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter() Dim myConnection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Your connection string") ''Depends what you want to do Dim myDelCommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("delete query") Dim myInsCommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("insert query") Dim myUpdateCommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("update query") Dim mySelectCommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("select query") Dim adp As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter() adp.SelectCommand = mySelectCommand adp.SelectCommand.Connection = myConnection adp.InsertCommand = myInsCommand adp.InsertCommand.Connection = myConnection adp.UpdateCommand = myUpdateCommand adp.UpdateCommand.Connection = myConnection adp.DeleteCommand = myDElCommand adp.DeleteCommand.Connection = myConnection ''if you modify your data thru your datagrid or in DataTable before update type ''me.BindingContext(yourDatatable).EndCurrentEdit() ''Why? ''Because rowstate is unchanged util your move to another row or call ''me.BindingContext(yourDatatable).EndCurrentEdit() ''if error occurs CATCH try ''DEBUG adp.Update(your datatable) catch errobj as Exception MessageBox.Show(errobj.Message) End Try Quote Some people are wise and some are other-wise.
sizer Posted May 12, 2003 Posted May 12, 2003 CommandBuilder You could use CommandBuilder because it automatically generate the DeleteCommand, InsertCommand, and UpdateCommand of the DataAdapter. As a minimum requirement, you must set the SelectCommand property in order for automatic command generation to work. Also CommandBuilder have some retrictions and disadvatages like: i) If you have many records CommandBuilder is very slow ii) Automatic command generation logic fails if column names or table names contain any special characters, such as spaces, periods, quotation marks, or other nonalphanumeric characters, even if delimited by brackets. Fully qualified table names in the form of schema.owner.table are supported. iii) The automatic command generation logic generates INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements for standalone tables without taking into account any relationships to other tables at the data source. iv) your datatable must have PRIMARY KEY Quote Some people are wise and some are other-wise.
Roey Posted May 12, 2003 Author Posted May 12, 2003 Thanks for your help, but not too sure I explained my problem correctly. The issue that I am having is that after the dataset is passed between tiers it is destroyed, and therefore when I try to use the Adpater for updating the database there is no original DataSet, so I need some other method. I am currently looking at adding rows to the dataset and then passing that back down through the tiers, but need to know how to update the database. Private Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click Dim NewRow As DataRow = dsProductClass.Tables(0).NewRow() NewRow.Item("ClassCode") = cboClassCode.Text NewRow.Item("Description") = txtDescription.Text dsProductClass.Tables(0).Rows.Add(NewRow) End Sub Sorry if I've still not explained this clearly..... Quote
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