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I have a database that has a date column.

I have a form that has a date picker on it.

I want to use the date picker to pull all files from the month chosen.

The date format in the database is 01/01/2003

The date picker format is 01/01/2003

How do I get all the files within the month?


This is a reservation system and I need to list all reservations that happened within the month selected.




p.s. i kinda need this pretty fast also.



I had someone tell me about this (value.date) thing so I tried it and it worked.

selectFormula = "{Ticket.Flight_date} >= #" & monthPicker.Value.Date & "# And {Ticket.Flight_date} <= #" & monthPicker2.Value.Date & "# And {Customer.Customer_ID} = " & cboCustomerSSN.Text & " "


I am going to try your code tomorrow.

I want to see if the month is any different than the date.





Dim frmCustomerSummary As New frmCustomerSummary()


Dim report As New ReportDocument()

Dim selectFormula As String

Dim tbCurrent As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table

Dim tliCurrent As CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo



For Each tbCurrent In report.Database.Tables

tliCurrent = tbCurrent.LogOnInfo

With tliCurrent.ConnectionInfo

.ServerName = "someservername"

.UserID = "someuserid"

.Password = "somepassword"

.DatabaseName = "somedatabasename"

End With


Next tbCurrent

selectFormula = "{Ticket.Flight_date} >= #" & monthPicker.Value.Date & "# And {Ticket.Flight_date} <= #" & monthPicker2.Value.Date & "# And {Customer.Customer_ID} = " & cboCustomerSSN.Text & " "

report.DataDefinition.RecordSelectionFormula = selectFormula

frmCustomerSummary.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report


Catch Exp As LoadSaveReportException

MsgBox("Crystal Reports has failed to load please try again.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "ERROR")

Catch Exp As Exception

MsgBox(exp.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "ERROR")

End Try

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