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I have child forms that act as a UI to the user (from within the MDI app), runs some process, then displays another separate child form to the user (from within the parent MDI main form) displaying the results of a Crystal Report using the following code:


Dim frmObject As New frmAdHocISPProvisioningReport(DsProvOrderSum1)

frmObject.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent




When using the same code above, and trying to run a similiar report directly from the main form itself (instead of another child form acting as a UI), the report comes up outside of the main parent form not as its child. Why????????



Bill Yeager (MCP, BCIP)

Microsoft Certified Professional

Brainbench Certified Internet Professional, .Net Programmer, Computer Programmer

YeagerTech Consulting, Inc.

I got it to work by just assigning "Me" to the frmObject.MDIParent instead of "Me.Parent" since I'm currently insdide the main MDI parent form to begin with...



Bill Yeager (MCP, BCIP)

Microsoft Certified Professional

Brainbench Certified Internet Professional, .Net Programmer, Computer Programmer

YeagerTech Consulting, Inc.

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