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well yeah ok, now I want to make sure that I am connected to the internet before I perform any actions


I have been on dial up for about 2 months nearly, and its average as, but meh, its all bout money...




i want to bring up the internet connection dialog after I check to see that there is no internet connection.


how do i do this ?


Shell("rundll32.exe rnaui.dll,RnaDial " & sName, 1)


is for win 9x, but for xp, any ideas ?






shell still works in vb.net and xp

On Error Resume Next
       Dim myProcess As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("c:\data\test.txt")


yes, i know shell still works,


but rnaui.dll does not exist in xp. I know i could download it, but like thats just dumb, so i want to find what produces the dialog in xp :)


and how to check to see if an internet connection is active...

  • *Gurus*

There is no proper way to accurately check the internet connection status of a computer. I've kept my eyes open for a solution for years now, and I haven't seen one that works as it should-- reliably. And, if you think about it, the nature of networks, this really isn't suprising.


With that said, there are a few Win32 API functions that you may want to take a look at:






Yeah I had seen examples of those used in some places, and just pretty much copied the code they provided, but it never seemed to work - I will have to play with them myself for a bit D:


API calls are things I wanted to avoid, at least for a bit, but if .NET hasnt got any other way either I will look at those...


now is there anyway to bring up the connection dialog though?

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