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  • 3 months later...
Ah, whew.


Well, the alternative is to NOT use the CommandBuilder (it's kind of a beginner's helper class more than anything). You can use the CommandBuilder while in development, but look at the SQL string it builds for you (the CommandText property as I mentioned above). Once you have the INSERT string that the CommandBuilder built for you, you can do away with the CommandBuilder and hard-code the string for yourself.


There is one alternative if you would still prefer to use the commandbuilder: that is to use a QuotePrefix of "[" and QuoteSuffix of "]".


Here is a link to the msdn reference.




Heh you guys are still responding :)


Well I got an A on my project, an A in the class, and I won't have to worry about VB again for a while (if ever hopefully) :p


Thanks for all your help

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