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I'm getting the following error when trying to set a datasource property to a listbox:


"Item collection can't be modified if the Datasource property is set".


I want to add a default item to the listbox after the data is loaded, but I get the above msg:


Here is my code:


cboCustomerID.DataSource = DsCustomerID1.tblCustomerID

cboCustomerID.ValueMember = DsCustomerID1.tblCustomerID.Columns("CUSTOMER_ID").ToString

cboCustomerID.DisplayMember = DsCustomerID1.tblCustomerID.Columns("CUSTOMER_ID").ToString

cboCustomerID.Items.Insert(0, "ALL")


Does anyone know how I can add a default item to the listbox?



Bill Yeager (MCP, BCIP)

Microsoft Certified Professional

Brainbench Certified Internet Professional, .Net Programmer, Computer Programmer

YeagerTech Consulting, Inc.

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