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  • *Experts*

I have a usercontrol and one of it's members is a type safe collection (inherited from CollectionBase.DictionaryBase).


Now I want this collection to be bindable (read-only) to a datagrid. I have added the attribute <Bindable()> to the property and implemented IListSource in the control and returned this list from GetList() overloaded function but it doesn't show up in the datagrid's bindings.


What step(s) am I missing?


Thanks in advance,


Printer Monitor for .NET? - see Merrion Computing Ltd for details
  • *Experts*
OK - I was on the wrong track with IListSource - It should have been IBindableList...now the Datagrid binds to the list but it doesn't know anything about the data type within the collection - how do I do that part?
Printer Monitor for .NET? - see Merrion Computing Ltd for details
  • Leaders

Implement the Add Sub, Create Method, and Item Property with you're datatype in mind. So, for the Item property, you'll do something like this:

Default Property Item(ByVal key As String) As MySpecificDataType
     Return CType(Dictionary.Item(key), MySpecificDataType)
 End Get
 Set(ByVal Value as MySpecificDataType)
     Dictionary.Item(key) = Value
  End Set
End Property


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