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Hello there,


does anybody know, how to set the DropDownWidth of a ComboBox to dynamically have the optimal width - adjustet to the longest entry?

Meaning that every entry of the list can be read - regardless of the length of the entries?


Thanks for help


  • *Experts*

You might try using a function like this:

    Private Function GetLongestItemWidth(ByVal combo As ComboBox) As Integer
       Dim longest As Integer
       Dim str As String
       Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(New Bitmap(1, 1))

       'Enumerate the items in the combo
       For Each str In combo.Items
           Dim wid As Integer

           'Get the width of the item; if it's longer than the
           'longest one so far, store it.
           wid = g.MeasureString(str, combo.Font).Width
           If wid > longest Then longest = wid

       Return longest
   End Function

to get the longest item in the ComboBox; then just set the DropdownWidth

to the value returned.


Thanks for your reply. It works perfectly, except that we use a DataTable that is bound to the ComboBox.


Because of that I had to slightly change your code:


Private Function GetLongestItemWidth() As Integer
       Dim longest As Integer
       Dim str As String
       Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(New Bitmap(1, 1))
       Dim width As Integer
       Dim myDataRowView As DataRowView

       'Enumerate the items in the combo
       For Each myDataRowView In Me.Items
           str = CStr(myDataRowView.Item(1))
           'Get the width of the item; if it's longer than the
           'longest one so far, store it.
           width = CInt(g.MeasureString(str, Me.Font).Width)
           If width > longest Then longest = width

       Return longest
   End Function


Thanks again


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