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Well guys in my program i have panels


the panels have paint events


and my friend gave me this code it draws linear gradients using two colors

i really love it, but i have one certain pane in my program in which i want the colours to be a bit lighter


so say the user has selected the colors


red and white


so all the panes will have red and fading into white



but in this certain pane i dont quite want that particular darkness of the red, i want that red to be tone down to be a littl elighter


would i have to control that particular colors hue and saturation


if yes how would i do so?

  • *Experts*

I'm not sure of the direct correlation between RGB and the Hue/Saturation values, but here's a trick I've used in the past with good results.


From each color (say red, which is r=255,g=0,b=0), increase all 3 values by a certain amount, with a cap of 255. For example:

// untested, but hopefully working :)
int increaseVal = 20; // Arbitrary value, depending on how "light" you want to make your new color
Color r = Color.Red;
Color new = r;
new.r = Math.Min(255, new.r + increaseVal);
new.g = Math.Min(255, new.g + increaseVal);
new.b = Math.Min(255, new.b + increaseVal);


While the Color type supports an alpha, it's not used (for the most part) for coloring controls. Don't try tweaking the alpha hoping to get a brighter or darker color.



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut
You can use the ControlPaint.Light function to increase a colour's brighness by a given factor.



how exactly would u apply this setting in to use?

  • *Experts*

Dim newColor As Color = ControlPaint.Light(Color.Red, 0.5)

Lightens the color (red) by 50%. Then newColor contains the light


  • Leaders

Here is a function I cooked up which creates a Color from HSL values in the range 0-239. It seems to work exactly as the one in the choose colour dialog does:


Private Function ColorHSL(ByVal hue As Integer, ByVal sat As Integer, ByVal lum As Integer) As Color

   Dim r, g, b As Double
   Dim dblhue, dbllum, dblsat As Double
   Dim temp As Double

   hue = hue Mod 240
   sat = sat Mod 240
   lum = lum Mod 240

   dblhue = Convert.ToDouble(hue)
   dblsat = Convert.ToDouble(sat)
   dbllum = Convert.ToDouble(lum)

   If hue < 80 Or hue > 160 Then
       If hue > 160 Then temp = 240 - dblhue Else temp = dblhue
       If (temp > 40) Then temp = temp - 40 Else temp = 0
       r = 255 - (temp * 6.375)
   End If
   If hue < 160 Then
       temp = Math.Abs(dblhue - 80)
       If (temp > 40) Then temp = temp - 40 Else temp = 0
       g = 255 - (temp * 6.375)
   End If
   If hue > 80 Then
       temp = Math.Abs(dblhue - 160)
       If (temp > 40) Then temp = temp - 40 Else temp = 0
       b = 255 - (temp * 6.375)
   End If

   r = r + ((127 - r) * (dblsat / 240))
   g = g + ((127 - g) * (dblsat / 240))
   b = b + ((127 - b) * (dblsat / 240))

   If lum > 120 Then
       r = r + ((255 - r) * ((dbllum - 120) / 120))
       g = g + ((255 - g) * ((dbllum - 120) / 120))
       b = b + ((255 - b) * ((dbllum - 120) / 120))
   ElseIf lum < 120 Then
       r = r * (dbllum / 120)
       g = g * (dbllum / 120)
       b = b * (dbllum / 120)
   End If

   Return Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(r), Convert.ToInt32(g), Convert.ToInt32(b))

End Function


Hope that helps.


how exactly would i apply this?


i mean all i want to do is control the lumniation of one color




this is the code i use to paint my panels





Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
       Dim tempRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, pnlSplash.Width, pnlSplash.Height)
       Dim tempBrush As System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush = _
       New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(tempRect, Schedular.Settings.SchemeColor1, Schedular.Settings.SchemeColor2, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
       g.FillRectangle(tempBrush, tempRect)





is the color thats taken from the registry


and i want to control the lumination of it


how would i use ur function to achieve this



thanks for ur help

  • Leaders

I see what you want to do, but its really not very simple. HSL and RGB are two very different systems. HSL is easier for users and RGB is more suited to programs. It isnt too hard to convert from HSL to RGB but converting the other way is more complex.


If you just want to alter the luminosity of a color, you need to get the individual RGB components and multiply them with a scaling factor, as I have done in that final section of my code.

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