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Hello everyone, my name is Bob and I just wanted to introduce myself and say that I am glad to be a part of this forum. I have worked on the hardware side of computers for 15 years and have always had an interest in application development but never had the time to pursue the "other side". My question is this... are there any VB programmers out there that would be willing to work with me on a one on one basis to start learning VB? I currently own VB5 and would like to start exploring VB but would also like a "mentor" that I could turn to and someone that enjoys teaching others new technoligies. In this endeavor I would like to be able to communicate with whomever accepts this challenge not only via email and web forums but to contact you personally via telephone (anywhere in the US and at my expense of course) to discuss our current "projects" theorys and overall progress and learning curve. The amount of time you are willing to dedicate would be strictly adhered to based on your availability. Since this is all new to me I'm sure that even the most basic problem presented to me could taka ages for me to resolve so I'm sure I woulnd't be too taxing on your time :) Well I'll leave it at this for now and see if anyone out there is willing to help. I have a strong desire to learn but a limited income at this time prevents me from pursuing any formal type of class / seminars etc.


Thank you all for your time


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