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I switched from Visual Basic to C# and where did the tooltips go?

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I started writing a program in C# and was baffled because all those handy autcomplete, tooltips, and parameter listings disapeared (Visual Studio .NET). I tried exploring about a bit but I couldn't turn them on. I'm sure that you can use them in C# I just can't figure out how to enable them. Anybody know?





The intellisense for C# isn't as good as it is for VB. You need to actually start typing key words correctly, it won't auto correct it for you if you use lowercase on something that needs uppercase..



console. - C# won't recognize this.

Console. - C# will give intellisense for correct uppercase usage.


As for auto completing etc... you need to be sure to hit that tab key to auto complete it, if you return to a new line it more then likely won't.


There are also some other oddities in there too. It's not that big of a deal, just don't rely on the IDE to program for you. :)

Gamer extraordinaire. Programmer wannabe.

Ah so system, should be System now:) That would explain part of it. Dunno why it wasn't giving me parameter info on my function tho, does C# do this?


There are also some other oddities in there too. It's not that big of a deal, just don't rely on the IDE to program for you.


Damn. lol.


Like for myFunc()


Public int myFunc(string str)
//some code


Is there something for C# that will display the function declaration in a tooltip when I type myFunc(... ? I know it does this for visual basic.




Well, for starters public needs to be lowercase. :)


If you type in myFunct( it should give you intellisense. If it's not, try typing this. (equiv to Me.) and scroll down to the function name.


For some reason, though, it won't show intellisense for this if you try doing it inside the Main method. Other then that it should work fine.

Gamer extraordinaire. Programmer wannabe.

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