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I want to adapt or transform from C# code to F#.

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Guest Metaconta


I want to adapt or transform from C# code to F#.


Code C#:


using System;


namespace radioButton_consola_02_cs


class Program


#region Variables.

private static readonly string[] TEXTO = new string[]


"( ) Option A ",

"( ) Option B ",

"( ) Option C ",




private static int itemSeñalado;


private static int itemSeleccionado;



static void Main(string[] args)


// Window title.

Console.Title = "RadioButton";


// Window size.

Console.SetWindowSize(20, 5);


// Green background.

Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;


// Black letters.

Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;


// I hide the cursor.

Console.CursorVisible = false;


// Stores the key pressed in the variable.

ConsoleKey teclaInicial;




// Clean screen.



// Cursor position of the MAIN MENU title.

Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);


// Title.

Console.Write(" MENÚ PRINCIPAL ");


// Time position.

Console.SetCursorPosition(4, 2);


// Numeric format dd/MM/yyyy.

Console.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd dd MMM"));


// Stores a pressed key in the variable.

teclaInicial = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;


// Did you press the Enter key?

if (teclaInicial == ConsoleKey.Enter)


// Yes. This function is executed.



} while (teclaInicial != ConsoleKey.Escape);



#region Main menu.

private static void MenuPrincipal()


bool salir = false;


// In itemSelecionado:

// -1 = Not selected with * any option.

// 0 = Select with * Option A.

// 1 = Select with * Option B.

// 2 = Select with * Option C.


// Capture key and then validate.

ConsoleKey tecla;


// Every time you return to the menu, it is marked with the *.

itemSeñalado = 0;





// I draw the main menu.


// Clean screen.



for (int k = 0; k < TEXTO.Length; k++)


Console.SetCursorPosition(0, k);

Console.Write(itemSeñalado == k ? "> " : " ");


Console.SetCursorPosition(3, k);

Console.Write(itemSeleccionado == k ? "*" : " ");



// End of painting the main menu.



// Read key entered by user.

tecla = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;


switch (tecla)


case ConsoleKey.Enter:

if (itemSeñalado < 3)


itemSeleccionado = itemSeñalado;


salir = (itemSeñalado == TEXTO.Length - 1);



case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:

if (++itemSeñalado >= TEXTO.Length)


itemSeñalado = 0;




case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:

if (--itemSeñalado < 0)


itemSeñalado = TEXTO.Length - 1;




// I use the escape key as output.

} while (!salir);






Thank you.






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