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VB6 -> VB.Net collection classes

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Guest Imogen

Hi, when using VB6 I used to use the collection object and put in in a wrapper to facilitate my own collections




collection: wrapper around VB's collection class


object: my own custom object.


How do I achieve this in .Net, including exposing the enumeration.


thanks Imogen

  • *Gurus*

You have to inherit one of the System.Collections classes and

extend it however you need. But, with all the options available

in the System.Collections namespace, it is hard to believe you

would need to extend one. There is an ArrayList, BitArray,

Dictionary, Hashtable, Queue, SortedList, and Stack. It is a huge

improvement over VB6.

  • 3 months later...
  • *Experts*

To make a type safe collection, inherit from the DictionaryBase collection and overload the properties Item, Add and Contains e.g.:


Public Class Vehicle
 Public LicencePlate As String '\\This is unique...
 Public Make As String
End Class

Public Class VehiclesDictionary
  Inherits Collections.DictionaryBase

  Public Overloads Property Item(ByVal LicencePlate As String) As Vehicle
           Return CType(dictionary.Item(LicencePlate), Vehicle)
       End Get
       Set (Byval Value As Vehilce)
               dictionary.Item(Value.LicencePlate) = Value
        End Set

  End Property

End Class


Hope this is useful,


Printer Monitor for .NET? - see Merrion Computing Ltd for details

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