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In my sample XML the object is "ZB". That "ZB" has two points, "AAD" and "AAG". Both points have coördinates, devided by the "|" character. This is a fixed format, I have to deal with it.


Because in our software, we use the data in a dataset. So we convert the XML tot a dataset with the command:

Dim myDS As DataSet
Dim fsReadXml As New System.IO.FileStream(myXMLFile, System.IO.FileMode.Open)


After that, I have 4 tables in my dataset:

  • ZB
  • AAE
  • AAG
  • point


Automaticly there are relations and hidden id's added. After that, I connect 2 datagrids with this code. One datagrid with all objects and the second grid shows me the coördinates of the selected object in datagrid 1:

           Dim myBS As New BindingSource
           myBS.DataSource = myDS

           DataGridView1.DataSource = myBS
           DataGridView1.DataMember = "ZB"

           DataGridView2.DataSource = myBS
           DataGridView2.DataMember = "ZB.ZB_AAE.AAE_point"


So far so good, everything works fine!


I can databind labels or other textboxes to the point, after clicking a "ZB" object. Its with this code:

           TextBox1.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("text", myBS, "ZB.ZB_AAG.AAG_point.pos"))


What do I want?

I want the objects and coördinates in one datagrid. So I want to create a view, adding a custom column, and see the results back in a datagrid.


I tried the following. All commented lines I tried. I can't find the proper way to build a expression so the coördinates were shown:

Dim Test As DataColumn = myDS.Tables("ZB").Columns.Add("test", GetType(String))
Test.Expression = "ZB.ZB_AAE.AAE_point"
       'Test.Expression = "Child(ZB.ZB_AAE).point"
       'Test.Expression = "Child(ZB_AAE).point"
       'Test.Expression = "Child(point)"
       'Test.Expression = "Child(pos)"
       'Test.Expression = "ZB_AAE.point"
       'Test.Expression = "ZB.ZB_AAE.point.pos"
       'Test.Expression = "point"
       'Test.Expression = "point.pos"
       'Test.Expression = "Parent.ZB_AAE.AAE_point.pos"
       'Test.Expression = "Parent(ZB_AAE).AAE_point"
       'Test.Expression = "Parent.ZB"
       'Test.Expression = "ZB_AAE.AAE_point.pos"
       'Test.Expression = "Child.ZB_AAE.point.pos"


You can use this XML to test:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- File Header -->
<DATA xmlns:nl= "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
<gml:point srsName="Netherlands-RD" srsDimension="2">
<gml:point srsName="Netherlands-RD" srsDimension="2">
<gml:point srsName="Netherlands-RD" srsDimension="2">
<gml:point srsName="Netherlands-RD" srsDimension="2">

Edited by Lexus

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