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Private Sub btnaddcart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnaddcart.Click

       Dim part As PartDescription = New PartDescription()
       part = CType(lbxItems.SelectedItem, PartDescription)
       Dim SItem As String
       Dim Updateqty As Boolean = False
       SItem = part.PartNumber
       For Each i As string In lstPart.Items

           If lstPart.SelectedItem.ToString = SItem Then
               Dim tempqty As Integer = Integer.Parse(lstQuantity.SelectedItem.Items.text)
               tempqty += 1
               lstQuantity.SelectedItem.Items.text = tempqty.ToString
               Updateqty = True
           End If

       If Updateqty = False Then
           lstUCost.Text = (part.UnitPrice * 1).ToString()

       End If
   End Sub


i have a bunch of listboxes one has the final item you select then press addtocart witch will take seprate parts of the string and add themm to the relevent listbox and have qty set to 1 what i want is if the same item is selected again is instead of making a dublicate is to increse the relevent qty in the qty listbox but i keep getting this error


Public member 'Items' on type 'String' not found



i know i could use a listview for this task instead but i wanted to do it with seprate listboxes any help would be appreciated thanks

  • Leaders

Step 1 is to use a debugger and figure out on which line the error is occurring. I'm going to guess it's this line:

Dim tempqty As Integer = Integer.Parse(lstQuantity.SelectedItem.Items.text)

Assuming the ListBox contains only strings, lstQuantity.SelectedItem is a string, which does not have a public member named Items.


This problem could probably have been avoided if you enabled Option Strict. I'm not going to go on a long rant about why it's bad to not use Option Strict, because there are already a million billion of those on the internet. All I'll say on the subject is that Option Strict is there for the sole reason of preventing errors.


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