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I would like to know what is the fastest way to find a pixel on my desktop. I've tried GetPixel API, but it's extremely slow. I've also tried Bitmap.GetPixel and it doesn't seem to be a difference between the two.


I'm trying to search for exactly one pixel on my desktop. I have the coordinate as well as the color. It has to be in a loop if you don't mind.


Here's how I used GetPixel:


Loop Until GetPixel(hDC,X,Y) = COLOR


If there's anything you need to know, please ask. Thank you for this wonderful forum! :)


Ok, so this is what I have so far:


Dim Size As New Size(1, 1)
       Using BMP As New Bitmap(1, 1)
           Using G = Graphics.FromImage(BMP)
                   Dim FoundColor As Color
                   G.CopyFromScreen(Point, Point.Empty, Size)
                   FoundColor = BMP.GetPixel(0, 0)
                   Loop Until FoundColor.ToArgb = Color.ToArgb 


Still very slow... -_-. I think maybe I should use lockbits and marshall? But, I've tried and can't even come up with a working sample...


Do you mind posting a super fast lockbits example? :)

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