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Hello ,


Please bear in mind that im not an experts, and my knowledge hardly exceeds what google search results has to offer a noob.


i have a multi-client server application, for video conferencing, and everything works good untill more than 4 or 5 users connects to the server.


I know i should be using UDP, not TCP, but this is the way i did it, and i want you to take a look at it and tell me what you think.


Client Connection Code

VideoSoc = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
               int Videoport = 8003;
               IPAddress server_ip = IPAddress.Parse(textBox1.Text);
               IPEndPoint ConnEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(server_ip, Videoport);
               // i dont remember why i used these numbers, but i think they //solved a problem and now im afraid to change them :)
               VideoSoc.SendTimeout = 2000;
               WaitForVideoSoc(VideoSoc, 99999);


Server Accept Connection Code


public void onVideoReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
           SocketsPackets.Video_SockPacket VideoPacket = (SocketsPackets.Video_SockPacket)asyn.AsyncState;

               CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;
               int iRx = 0;
               iRx = VideoPacket.m_CurrentVideo_Sock.EndReceive(asyn);
               char[] chars = new char[32];
               Decoder d = Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();
               int charlen = d.GetChars(VideoPacket.Videobuffer, 0, 32, chars, 0);

               string szData = new String(chars);

               List<byte> bl = new List<byte>(VideoPacket.Videobuffer);
                   bl.RemoveRange(iRx, VideoPacket.Videobuffer.Length - iRx);
                    byte[] nb = new byte[bl.Count];
//here i add the received video data (which is a jpg image) and i add it to a datalist for that user, then i start a thread to check if there is any data and i send it to all other connected users. see code below


I use a timer to check if there are any stored data available in the list for sending

private void ProcessVideoData_timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

               for (int i = 0; i < Rooms.Count; i++)
                   // if the previouse processing operation is done.. create a new thread to process the video data..
                   if (Rooms[i].DoneProcessing)
                       Rooms[i].DoneProcessing = false;

                       Thread video_thread = new Thread(ProcessVideoSending);
           catch (Exception ex)


here is the code the process the data and send it.


public void ProcessVideoSending(object Roomindex)
           // get the room index
           int roomindex = (int)Roomindex;
           Rooms[roomindex].DoneProcessing = false;
              // textBox1.Text = countt.ToString();

                   for (int x = 0; x < Rooms[roomindex].UsersList.Count; x++)
                             // for reasons unknown to me, sometimes the videolist.count is less than zero. example -2998 and .clear() does onthing
                           if (Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[x].VideoList.Count < 0)
                               Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[x].VideoList = new List<byte>();
                           // 9 is the number of the identifiers.. 
                           while (Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[x].VideoList.Count > 9)

                               // if this happens.. its a video jam... clear it.. 
                               if (Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[x].VideoList.Count > 200000)
                               // get the chunk lengt.. some pictures are sent in chunks to reduce the network load
                               string chunklength = "0";

                                   chunklength =
                                  Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[x].VideoList[6].ToString() +
                                  Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[x].VideoList[7].ToString() +
                                  Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[x].VideoList[8].ToString() +
                                  Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[x].VideoList[9].ToString() +
                               catch (Exception exp)
                               int chunklen = int.Parse(chunklength);
                               // reassemble the picture.. and send it to all users.
                               if (chunklen <= Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[x].VideoList.Count && chunklen != 0)
                                   byte[] videodata = new byte[chunklen];
                                   Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[x].VideoList.CopyTo(0, videodata, 0, chunklen);
                                   Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[x].VideoList.RemoveRange(0, chunklen);
                                   for (int i = 0; i < Rooms[roomindex].UsersList.Count; i++)
                                       if (i != x && Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[i].Username != "u" && Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[i].Ready)
                                               if (Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[i].HomeUser)
                                                   if (Rooms[roomindex].TalkingPos == x)
                                                       Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[i].VideoSock.Send(videodata, 0, videodata.Length, SocketFlags.None);
                                                   Rooms[roomindex].UsersList[i].VideoSock.Send(videodata, 0, videodata.Length, SocketFlags.None);
                                   // wait untill there are enough data

                       catch (Exception exo)

               catch (Exception VideoSendingException)


           Rooms[roomindex].DoneProcessing = true;


I know that the code is not clear, and in order to help me, you have a lot of questions to ask me, i will try my best to help my self and not ask many noob questions, but your guidance is what i seek.


Because of all the troubles im facing with this code, i know there must be a better practice. and appreciate any pointer in the right direction.


the application as i said is a video conference application that should support up to 99 client in each session. (is that even doable?!)

thank you.

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