mgb76an Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 Hi, first of all, sorry for my English. The problem: I receive a lot of data from an inquiry and I need to create a Excel file using interop (c#). I write data in the Excel file using a "do while". Now I save the file at the end of the do...while statement, but it means that I used a lot of memory (I could have up to 9.000.000 of rows to write in different sheets in the same file). So I thought to save the data in the Excel file on every loop. I use the saveAs() command at the first loop and then save(), but I saw that program go very slowy with this solution. I think it is because the file is rewrite completely. There is a way to save only the new data? any other solution are welcome. Thank you! I post my code with the save at every loop: do //(this loop it's for the sheets for the same Excel file) { excelSheet = (Worksheet)excelWorkbook.Sheets.Add(Type.Missing, excelWorkbook.Sheets.get_Item(frmtExcel.position++), 1, XlSheetType.xlWorksheet); ...some other operations... do //(inside this loop I get blocks of data to put in the same sheets) { rawData = Utility.Export.GetRawPage(storageEngine, table, frmtExcel.nextPage, (frmtExcel.cursor == 0), pageRetriever); ...other operation about format cell... if (contBlock == 1) { excelWorkbook.SaveAs(fileName , XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook , Type.Missing , Type.Missing , Type.Missing , Type.Missing , XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive , Type.Missing , Type.Missing , Type.Missing , Type.Missing , Type.Missing); } else { excelWorkbook.Save(); } } while ((frmtExcel.nextPage != -1 && (frmtExcel.cursor + Utility.Excel.ExcelRowsChunkLenght) <= Utility.Excel.ExcelRowsPerSheet)); ...other operation for create a header } while ((frmtExcel.nextPage != -1)); excelWorkbook.Save(); Quote
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