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Hi all,


i have a problem with the code below. Basicaly i have an integer that i need to convert to binary and show the results in check boxes. The code below takes the integer, converts it to a binary string, then depending upon where the "1"s are, will check the apropriate check box on the UI. The binary number returned has a max of 16 digits and a min of 0, so hence the 16 checkboxes.


The problem i am having is the code runs fine counting down from the left most "1" (int32768) with all the others to the right as "0"s. Halfing the int each cycle should result in the "1" moving along the checkboxes until it reaches the right most position. But its working fine down to box 9, but then it disapears!


Any ideas?




intInputs = 32768

'convert intinputs to binary
       strInputs = dec2baseN(intInputs, 2)

       'find length of strInputs
       intLengthofinputsstring = Len(strInputs)

       'find difference between strinputs and 16 so we know how many "0"s to 
add to the left of the string to keep everything in line
       Dim difbetweenstrinputsand16 As Integer
       difbetweenstrinputsand16 = 16 - Len(strInputs)

       'if strInputs is less than 16 digits long, add 0s to the left of the 
string to make length always 16 digits long
       If difbetweenstrinputsand16 > 0 Then

           For a = 1 To difbetweenstrinputsand16 - 1
               strInputs = "0" & strInputs

       End If

       'clear all checkboxes
       CheckBox1.Checked = False
       CheckBox2.Checked = False
       CheckBox3.Checked = False
       CheckBox4.Checked = False
       CheckBox5.Checked = False
       CheckBox6.Checked = False
       CheckBox7.Checked = False
       CheckBox8.Checked = False
       CheckBox9.Checked = False
       CheckBox10.Checked = False
       CheckBox11.Checked = False
       CheckBox12.Checked = False
       CheckBox13.Checked = False
       CheckBox14.Checked = False
       CheckBox15.Checked = False
       CheckBox16.Checked = False

       'analise the 16digit binary string and if any of the binary digits are ones, then check the related checkbox
       Dim temp As Integer
       For count = intLengthofinputsstring To 1 Step -1
           temp = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mid(strInputs, count, 1)
           If temp = 1 And count = 16 Then CheckBox1.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 15 Then CheckBox2.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 14 Then CheckBox3.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 13 Then CheckBox4.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 12 Then CheckBox5.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 11 Then CheckBox6.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 10 Then CheckBox7.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 9 Then CheckBox8.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 8 Then CheckBox9.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 7 Then CheckBox10.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 6 Then CheckBox11.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 5 Then CheckBox12.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 4 Then CheckBox13.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 3 Then CheckBox14.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 2 Then CheckBox15.Checked = True
           If temp = 1 And count = 1 Then CheckBox16.Checked = True

'divide intInputs by2 to move the "1" along by one step
       intInputs = intInputs / 2


then i loop this code 16 times. Any ideas?





Edited by snarfblam
  • Leaders

The first thing that jumps out at me is that you are comparing numbers to strings:

temp = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mid(strInputs, count, 1)
If temp = 1 And count = 16 Then CheckBox1.Checked = True

That kind of brings up the question of why you want to perform mathematical operations with strings anyways.


The best way to scan through bits of an integer would be (IMO) to use bit shift and binary operators.


To check the least significant bit of an integer, just AND its value with 1.

Dim BinValue As Integer = GetValueFromThinAir()
Dim lsbValue As Integer = BinValue And 1
If lsbValue = 1 Then
   ' first bit set
   ' first bit clear
End If

Now, you can scan through all the bits a couple of ways. One is to keep shifting the bits right.

Dim BinValue As Integer = GetValueFromThinAir()

' Show message box with status of each bit
For i As Integer = 0 To 15
   Dim bitValue As Integer = BinValue And 1
   Dim bitIsSet As Boolean = (bitValue = 1)
   MessageBox.Show("Bit " & i.ToString() & " = " & bitIsSet.ToString())
   ' Sample output: "Bit 3 = False"

   ' Move to next bit
   BinValue = BinValue >> 1
Next i


An alternative, if you want to check the bits in an arbitrary order, would be to create a bit filter for the bit you want to check, and, again, use the AND operator to check that bit.

Dim BinValue As Integer = GetValueFromThinAir()

Dim bitIndex = 5 ' Let's check bit # 5
Dim bitFilter As Integer = 1 << bitIndex
Dim bitIsSet As Boolean = ((BinValue And bitFilter) = bitFilter)

MessageBox.Show("Bit " & bitIndex.ToString() & " = " & bitIsSet.ToString())
' Sample output: Bit 5 = True


All the above is assuming you understand the relevant binary math.


The other thing that stands out to me is the unrolled-bit-still-in-a-loop for loop. You have a loop, but that loop runs different code on each iteration, so why have a loop. Either make the loop purposeful, or fully unroll the loop.

' Unrolled (with hypothetical CheckBit function)
CheckBox1.Checked = CheckBit(intInputs, 0)
CheckBox2.Checked = CheckBit(intInputs, 1)
CheckBox3.Checked = CheckBit(intInputs, 2)
' so on...

' Better loop (not sure about array syntax)
Dim CheckBoxes() As New CheckBox() {CheckBox1, CheckBox2, Checkbox3} '...
For i As Integer = 0 to CheckBoxes.Length - 1
   CheckBoxes(i).Checked = CheckBit(intInputs, i)
Next i


Hi Snarf,


i have found the original problem, so have it working. I am interested in your other method though, the integer is converted into a binary string by the function i found on the net. is it easy to turn that string into a binary number so the individual 1s and 0s can be analized?





  • Leaders

People tend to think of decimal, hex, binary, octal, etc. as different kinds of numbers. They aren't. They are different ways of representing the same exact kind of numbers. (Technically, all of your computer's data is processed in binary to begin with. The decimal values you see are just a different way of displaying the numbers to make it easier on us humans.)


Converting numbers to strings to perform mathematical operations just doesn't make sense. Strings are for text. You just need to use the right kind of math on your integers.


The purpose of the code I posted is to examine the individual ones and zeros. The fourth code listing in my post can examine any of the binary digits within an integer value. It would be easy to take the code and create a function that can be used the way I did in my last code listing.


Thanks Snarf, works a treat! It was good a learing process to learn a bit about strings anyway. Basicaly an integer can be expresed in many ways i guess, and it is stored as bits anyway if that right? I had been looking all over the net looking for ways how to convert an int to a bin, but MS didnt have a function for this...now i see why...it already can be done by looking at bit values!


I had wondered if there was an easier way of doing group operations like checking a number of check boxes the way i had...thats very useful, thanks!



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