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Posted (edited)

Hi every one i made a database gateways to access multiple database with Oledb I have made Insert() Select() Delete()


but there is some problem in Update I am giving my Update code and their method of using

but i am not able to decide how user will give fields ant its value and type send foe updation


public void UpdateData(string DatabaseProvider, string DatabaseName, string TableName,Dictionary<string ,string> DC,string Condition)
          string kk = null;
          int i = 0;
          foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> jj in DC)
              kk = kk + jj.Key + "=" + jj.Value ;
              if (i == DC.Count- 1)
              kk = kk  + ",";
          string ss = "Use " + DatabaseName + " update " + TableName + " set " + kk + Condition ;
          if (ocon.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
          ocmd = new OleDbCommand(ss, ocon);

             int aa= ocmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
             if (aa >0)
                 MessageBox.Show("Record Successfully Updated");
          catch (Exception ex)


How To use on button click

ConnectionManager cm = new ConnectionManager("SQL");
           Dictionary<string,string > DC = new Dictionary<string,string>();
           DC.Add("Price", "290");
           DC.Add("High", "80000");
           string condition = " where Symbol = 'CXD'";
           cm.UpdateData("SQL", "info", "TBuyOrder", DC, condition);

but problem is that the dictionary i make it is string type if user input DateTime ,Double,or anyother type then How we Recognize in our function

any one can help me to solve this



Edited by PlausiblyDamp

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