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I wanna delete all scheduled tasks that starts with a certain string, for example delete all scheduled tasks that their name start with "My Application Task".

I need to do it via a VBScript code!

I found a code but didn't test it:

Dim SchedulesID As Integer
Dim strComputer As String
Dim objService As Object
Dim objNewJob As Object
SchedulesID = 1: strComputer = "."
Set objService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer)
If SchedulesID Then
   Set objInstance = objService.Get ("Win32_ScheduledJob.JobID=" & SchedulesID)
End If

But I don't know how to change it so delete by name?

Anyone can help me do it since I am not very familiar with VBScript?

Thank you :)

  • Administrators
According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394399%28VS.85%29.aspx it looks as the the Win32_ScheduledJob has a Name property, have you tried either searching on this or if that isn't possible you could loop over all jobs and compare the name property yourself.

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