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I'm using the following code to position a textbox over the selected listview subitem


dim selSubitem as ListViewItem.ListViewSumItem

   Private Sub ListView1_MouseDoubleClick(......).....
       Dim info As ListViewHitTestInfo = ListView1.HitTest(e.X, e.Y)
       selSubItem = info.SubItem
       txtEdit.Width = info.SubItem.Bounds.Width + 2
       txtEdit.Height = info.SubItem.Bounds.Height
       txtEdit.Location = info.SubItem.Bounds.Location + ListView1.Location
       txtEdit.Text = info.SubItem.Text
       txtEdit.Visible = True
   End Sub


But this only works correctly when clicking on an actual subitem

When used on the first column in the listview it makes txtEdit.width = listview.width and not just that column


any ideas on how to fix this or determine whether i clicked the first column or not?


perfect solution

thank you.

       If (selSubItem.Equals(ListView1.Items(info.Item.Index).SubItems(0))) Then
           txtEdit.Width = info.Item.SubItems(1).Bounds.Left
           txtEdit.Width = info.SubItem.Bounds.Width
       End If

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