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My program hangs after several clicks that access database.

It does not matter what items I click, even if I click the same two buttons that are calling the same sub it hangs after a few times (everytime different number).


I have no idea where to start investigating. Can someone

show me the right direction?


All I do with database is get a DataReader:

Dim dr As OleDbDataReader = oDbAccess.GetData(sSQL)

Return dr


Public Function GetData(ByVal sSQL As String) As OleDbDataReader

Dim oCmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(sSQL, cn)

Dim myReader As OleDbDataReader


myReader = oCmd.ExecuteReader()

Return myReader

Catch e As OleDbException



End Try

End Function

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You are closing you connection in the Catch, you should do it in the Finally section. While you're at i verify the State first...

Catch e As OleDbException
   if cn.state = [i]something[/i].Opened then cn.Close()
'sorry, I don't have .NET handy

End Try

Visit...Bassic Software
But connection is supposed to stay open. I open it at the beggining and close when application ends. Why would multiple ExecuteReaders (around 20) make the program hang?

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