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Dear all,


This is part of the code for my Masters project which I wrote. I am using this code to run in VB to read data from approximately huge text files which contain raw data. Approximately 300 files each 6-7 MB; total 2.26GB text file data (each text file has like 30,000+ lines). The problem is using this code my data reads very slowly (30 days approximately to read all text files into excel worksheet), and I need to speed up the process. I was thinking if I convert to VB.NET 2005 it will execute faster.


Option Explicit

Dim rmr_files()         As String 'Array containing directories and rmr data file names
Dim rmr_folder_name     As String 'Name of first folder of RMR data
Dim rmr_file_list       As String 'RMR data file names text file
Dim rmr_data_file       As String 'RMR excel data file name
Dim sheet_names()       As String 'Sheet names in excel RMR Data file
Dim sheet_index()       As Long 'Index number of excel sheets
Dim found_sheet_index   As Long 'Index number of found sheet

Public Sub ReadFirstRMRDataFileIntoExcel()

Dim filenum         As Long
Dim filenum2        As Long
Dim str             As String
Dim str2            As String
Dim sJoin           As String
Dim row             As Long
Dim remove_quotes   As String
Dim customer_name   As String
Dim line            As Long
Dim line2           As Long
Dim count           As Long
Dim fileno          As Long
Dim filechange      As Boolean
Dim customersheet   As Boolean

Dim xlApp           As Excel.Application
Dim xlWb            As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWs            As Excel.Worksheet

'Set excel objects
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(rmr_data_file)
xlApp.Visible = False
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False

'Change file indication
fileno = 1
filechange = False

'Read only the files in the first folder of the RMR data
For count = LBound(rmr_files) To UBound(rmr_files)
   'If the rmr data folder is the first folder then proceed only
   If InStr(rmr_files(count), rmr_folder_name) <> 0 Then

       'Open rmr data file and begin to read
       filenum = FreeFile
       Open "" & rmr_files(count) & "" For Input As filenum
       row = 1
       line = 1
       Do While Not EOF(filenum)
           Line Input #filenum, str
           str = Trim(Pack(StripOut(str, """")))
           'Split string into separate words and characters
           Dim i           As Long
           Dim sArray      As Variant
           sArray = Split(str, " ")
           For i = LBound(sArray) To UBound(sArray)
               sArray(i) = """" & sArray(i) & """"
           'Join back array to convert into csv format
           sJoin = Join(sArray, ",")
           If UCase(Mid(sJoin, 2, 8)) = "RECORDER" Then
               sJoin = Replace(sJoin, "RECORDER"",""ID", "RECORDER ID")
           End If
           'New customer found
           If InStr(sJoin, "RECORDER") <> 0 Then
               row = 1
           End If
           'Open new file
           'Get the name of the customer from second line after the "RECORDER" line
           If row = 1 Then
               filenum2 = FreeFile
               Open "" & rmr_files(count) & "" For Input As filenum2
               line2 = 1
               Do While Not EOF(filenum2)
                   Line Input #filenum2, str2
                   str2 = Trim(Pack(StripOut(str2, """")))
                   If line2 = line + 1 Then
                       'Split string into separate words and characters
                       Dim custArray   As Variant
                       custArray = Split(str2, " ")
                       'Get the name of customer
                       customer_name = custArray(0)
                       Exit Do
                   End If
                   line2 = line2 + 1
               Close #filenum2
           End If

           'Check if customer sheet already added or not in excel file
           customersheet = False
           For Each xlWs In xlWb.Worksheets
               If Trim(customer_name) = Trim(xlWs.Name) Then
                   customersheet = True
                   Exit For
               End If
           If customersheet = False Then
               'If it is the first customer in first file then
               If line = 1 And xlWb.Worksheets(1).Name <> customer_name And fileno = 1 Then
                   xlWb.Worksheets(1).Name = customer_name
                   Set xlWs = xlWb.Sheets(1)
               End If
               'If new customer create new worksheet and write to it
               If row = 1 And line <> 1 And filechange = False Then
                   'Add new sheet for customers in the same txt file
                   xlWb.Worksheets(1).Name = customer_name
                   Set xlWs = xlWb.Sheets(1)
               ElseIf row = 1 And line = 1 And filechange = True Then
                   'For new text files add new sheet for new customers
                   xlWb.Worksheets(1).Name = customer_name
                   Set xlWs = xlWb.Sheets(1)
                   'File not going to change to the next until for loop increments
                   filechange = False
               End If
           End If
           'Write data into excel row
           Dim col             As Long
           Dim tempArray       As Variant
           tempArray = Split(sJoin, ",")
           For col = LBound(tempArray) To UBound(tempArray)
               remove_quotes = Trim(Pack(Replace(tempArray(col), """", "")))
               'Splitting date into proper format
               If col = 1 And row <> 1 Then
                   Dim dateleft        As String
                   Dim datemid         As String
                   Dim dateright       As String
                   'Splitting date into: dd/mm/yy
                   dateleft = Left(remove_quotes, 2)
                   datemid = Mid(remove_quotes, 3, 2)
                   dateright = Right(remove_quotes, 2)
                   'Adjust dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yyyy
                   If Left(dateright, 1) = 7 Or Left(dateright, 1) = 8 Or Left(dateright, 1) = 9 Then
                       dateright = "19" & dateright & ""
                   ElseIf Left(dateright, 1) = 0 Or Left(dateright, 1) = 1 Or Left(dateright, 1) = 2 Then
                       dateright = "20" & dateright & ""
                   End If
                   'Set format: dd/mm/yyyy
                   xlWs.Cells(row, col + 1).Value = "" & dateleft & "/" & datemid & "/" & dateright & ""
               'Add entry without splitting
                   xlWs.Cells(row, col + 1).Value = remove_quotes
               End If
           'Increment the row
           row = row + 1
           line = line + 1
       Close #filenum
   'Save workbook before opening new data file
   xlWb.SaveAs rmr_data_file
   End If
   'Increase the file number read
   fileno = fileno + 1
   'Check if file changed or not (new file or reading old file still)
   filechange = True

'Save workbook and close excel
xlWb.SaveAs rmr_data_file

Set xlWs = Nothing
Set xlWb = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing

End Sub


Can anyone give me pointers on how to convert this into VB.NET, or if anyone of you can assist me, that would be a big help. I have no idea about VB.NET programming and am new, since I know most of the VB functions are obsolete in .NET 2005.






Nobody here converts your code for you, my suggestions by priority:

1. Learn VB.NET and do it yourself.

2. Use "Upgrade Visual Basic 6 Code" wizard.

3. Visit rentacoder.com...

Don't ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country...
  • Leaders

The conversion to VB.NET would be doable. I really can't say what the performance difference will be, but if I had to guess I would say it would help. I believe that DotNet has faster file access, but I don't know if there would be a performance hit when it comes to Office interop.


As far as what you would need to know to convert it, you should probably read a quick tutorial written for those moving from VB6 to VB.NET. The differences you need to pay attention to are the minor syntax changes, data type changes (Long becomes Integer, Integer becomes short, etc.) and you should research the FileStream class.


Generally speaking, the best optimizations are algorithmic. I haven't analyzed your code, but before translating to VB.NET you might want to do some timing of your code and see where you are spending the most time. You may have a bottleneck that can be addressed by modifying your approach.


Either way, we'll be glad to answer any questions about the particulars.


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