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I want to set the DataSource Property of a listview and of a combobox to an array of datarows.


This is the Code:

Private Sub fillCBKoerperTeile() '(ByVal FilterExpression As String, ByVal Sort As String)
   Dim rows() As Data.DataRow
   Dim dr As Data.DataRow

     rows = dtKoerperTeile.Select(FilterExpression, Sort)
     cbKoerperTeile.DataSource = rows
     cbKoerperTeile.ValueMember = "Name"
     cbKoerperTeile.DisplayMember = cbKoerperTeile.ValueMember
   Catch e As Exception
     Throw New ApplicationException(CodeLoc & " Error!", e)
     dr = Nothing
   End Try

 End Sub


The 'Name' column does exist but the ComboBox shows only the type of each datarow not the contents! If I set the datasource to a datatable, the correct column is shown in the combobox/listview.


Many Greetings




Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to post this solution. I found it in a book called Visual Basic.Net. But there is still a problem. If I want to search for a value in a Dataview, I must set the dataview.sort property to the column name. But if I do so the listview is no more sorted the way I want it to be sorted. And if I set .Sort back to the previous value the selection I made before with the .Find Method is lost.









       rows = dtSymptome.Select("Text like '" & MakeFitForQuery(txtSymptom.Text) & "*'")
       If UBound(rows) < 0 Then
         rows = dtSymptome.Select("Text like '*" & MakeFitForQuery(txtSymptom.Text) & "*'")
       End If
       mDontUpdateText = True
       Dim oldSort As String = dvSymptome.Sort
       dvSymptome.Sort = "ID"
       For Each row In rows

         SymptomID = row!ID

         find = dvSymptome.Find(SymptomID)
         'find = findLstIndex(SymptomID)
         If find >= 0 Then lstSymptome.SetSelected(find, True)
       Next row
       dvSymptome.Sort = oldSort
       mDontUpdateText = False


if I write my own procedure to find the value it is way to slow......

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