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Ok here is what I am trying to do first the contents of the string


I have an array that has forty or more of the following each element of the array contains data like this I need to parse


Name: Lanton Lamho Race: White Sex: Male Age: 18 DOB: 05-10-90 Height: 5�06 Weight: 152 Hair: Blk Eyes: Brown TPD#Lanton Lamho broke into the Quickie Mart located at 5310 S. Peoria Ave. The suspect used a manhole cover to throw...


NOTE!!!!!! Some of the names are first middle last not just first and last


Anyway I need


I need descriptions in labels and info in other labels


like this


Name: John Smith

Race: White

Sex: Male

Age: 25

ect ect until it gets to the TPD# I need that stripped and all following put into a label of its own


ie; Guy did what ever he did and he is in trouble for it LOL


anyway .... I tried a multiple delimiter spit but the results left empty elements of the array ....


Anyone got some ideas how I might best parse this?


Heres the code I used and tried to modify but it wont work exactly right


Dim values As String

       values = "Name: John Smith Race: White DOB: 1/22/60"

       Dim sites As String() = Nothing

       Dim sep(3) As Char

       sep(0) = ": "

       sep(1) = " Race:"

       sep(2) = " DOB:"

       sites = values.Split(sep, 9)

       Dim s As String

       For Each s In sites
           rtb1.Text = rtb1.Text & s.Trim(" ") & vbCrLf

       Next s


Help much appreciated



Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition!
Posted (edited)

Ok I have made some headway but still not there yet .... I am now getting a clean split but I realize something that I am not sure what to do with

Obviously I am wanting to take the string as seen in this partial example of the string


Example string

Dim exampString as String


exampString = "Name: John Smith Race: White" ect ect ect ect


My code is now returning this






White ................. continues till it gets to TPD# then does this

TPD# summary text ......





and so on .... but the problem is not in the co as much as it is the strings it will be parsing

most ar as above but a few will have a middle name to like


Dim exampString As String

exampString = "Name: Mary Jane Smith Race: White Sex: Female"


and so on .......


If they didnt have the middle name my problem would be solved but the it is


I may be going about this still all wrong though as what I am wanting to do is put it back together in an order like this


Name: John Smith or John William Smith should a middle name exist

Race: White

Sex: Male

Age: 45 continuing this on down to

TPD# summary text ......


like that perhaps you guys could you point a better direction o what I might be overlooking


all help is much appreciated



ooops forgot to ad the code here it is

       Dim values As String

       values = "Name: Lanton Lamho Race: White Sex: Male Age: 18 DOB: 05-10-90 Height: 5’06 Weight: 152 Hair: Blk Eyes: Brown TPD#Lanton Lamho broke into the Quickie Mart located at 5310 S. Peoria Ave. The suspect used a manhole cover to throw..."

       Dim myString As String() = Nothing

       Dim sep(3) As Char

       sep(0) = ": "

       sep(1) = " Race:"

       sep(2) = " DOB:"

       myString = values.Split(sep, 29)

       Dim s As String
       Dim sArr As New ArrayList

       For Each s In myString
           sArr.Add(s).ToString.Replace(" ", ",")

       Next s
       For i = 0 To sArr.Count - 1
           If sArr(i) = "" Then

               rtb1.Text = rtb1.Text & sArr(i).ToString.Trim(" ") & vbCrLf
           End If

Edited by vbMarkO
Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition!
  • *Experts*

Here's something that works, assuming you take out all the parts after the "TPD#". This is not really the proper way to do this... you should be using regular expressions. I tried to do that, but I couldn't figure it out at the moment.


To solve your problem, you need to treat your string more generally; don't hard-code what each "label" is (name, DOB, etc.). Instead, just look for words that end in ":" and break lines up according to that.


       Dim values As String
       values = "Name: Lanton Lamho Race: White Sex: Male Age: 18 DOB: 05-10-90 Height: 5�06 Weight: 152 Hair: Blk Eyes: Brown"

       Dim words As String() = values.Split(New Char() {" "c}) ' Split input string into words
       Dim lastLabel As Integer = -1 ' Keep track of the previous label's location in the array

       Dim output As String = ""

       For i As Integer = 0 To words.Length - 1
           Dim word As String = words(i)
           If word.EndsWith(":") Then ' If we have a label (ends with ":") ...
               If lastLabel <> -1 Then ' ... and we know where the last label was...
                   For j As Integer = lastLabel To i - 1 ' ... then concatenate all the words between the labels
                       output &= words(j) & " "
                   output &= Environment.NewLine
               End If

               lastLabel = i ' Bump up the location of the label
           End If

       ' Your string will be in the variable output


Hope this helps.

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up

These are the best days of our lives"

-The Ataris, In This Diary

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