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I have set up a mainmenu with cut, copy and paste buttons. On the form there are both textboxes and comboboxes. How do I stop these commands from working on the comboboxes?


Thanks in advance



  • *Experts*

What is the code you're using to Cut, Copy, and Paste? The

menu items won't do anything unless you add code to do them.

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up

These are the best days of our lives"

-The Ataris, In This Diary


Private Sub mnuCut_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuCut.Click

'Declare a Textbox as object and set it to the ActiveControl

Dim objTextbox As TextBox = Me.ActiveControl

'Copy the text to the clipboard and clear the field.


End Sub


The copy and paste items are similar to the above.





  • *Experts*

You need to compare the Type of the ActiveControl to the Type of

a textbox, and if they are equal then you can do the cut, copy,

and paste:


Private Sub mnuCut_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuCut.Click
 Dim activeType As Type = Me.ActiveControl.GetType()

 If activeType.Equals(GetType(TextBox)) Then
   'Declare a Textbox as object and set it to the ActiveControl
   Dim objTextbox As TextBox = Me.ActiveControl

   'Copy the text to the clipboard and clear the field.
 End If
End Sub

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up

These are the best days of our lives"

-The Ataris, In This Diary


Thanks Bucky that works great. One more question how do I force the user to select an option from the combobox and disable typing in the combobox.


Thanks again



  • *Experts*

That was two questions, not one, but I think I'll manage. :)


To disable typing the combobox, set its DropDownStyle property

to ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList.


If the user didn't select anything, then the SelectedItem property

will be equal to Nothing.


If myCombo.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
 ' Nothing is selected
End If

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up

These are the best days of our lives"

-The Ataris, In This Diary

  • *Experts*

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up

These are the best days of our lives"

-The Ataris, In This Diary

  • *Experts*

The following will clear the field of a combobox.dropdownlist after changing it to a dropdown so that the field can be edited on a right mouse click. I change the box back to a combobox.dropdownlist after updating the dataset from which the members of the dropdown list are drawn so the combobox can act again as a simple dropdownlist....keeps a user from corrupting a member unless they really mean to.



Private Sub cmbBoxName_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles cmbBoxName.MouseDown


If cmbBoxName.MouseButtons = cmbBoxName.MouseButtons.Right Then

cmbBoxName.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown



cmbBoxName.SelectedIndex = "-1"

If cmbBoxName.Text <> "" Then

cmbBoxName.SelectedIndex = "-1"


End If


End If

End Sub

  • *Experts*
Posted (edited)


I don't see the string to integer. Here's the whole fragment of code. I'm new to this and am sure I go way around sometimes to get to the end result I need. Let me explain: (The program is essentially a database mining and manipulation process that keeps track of employee hours worked and vacation/sick time.) I needed to add an employee to a database whose data was bound to the combobox and several text boxes that yeilded a profile of all the current employees. The form also is used to edit the employees that currently exist in that database. I suppose I could have/should have created a new form for adding new employees but I thought it might be easier on the user to simply make the fields they shouldn't edit invisible. Thus the right click...After entering the new employee name in the combobox, a btnAddNewEmployee is clicked that creates a new datarow in the dataset with the new employee name as the primamry key. Then when the new data row has been added to the dataset, the remainder of the fields are reset to visible and can be edited. I wanted the combobox to do double duty and changing it's dropdown style lets the user add a new employee without allowing for a change in the current data.

Like I said, might be the long way around but it works and my end users like the interface. I am interested in doing this not only functionally but well however, and so appreciate your criticism.

 Private Sub cmbEmployeeName_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles cmbEmployeeName.MouseDown
       If cmbEmployeeName.MouseButtons = cmbEmployeeName.MouseButtons.Right Then
           cmbEmployeeName.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown
           lblEmployeePhon.Visible = False
           txbPhone.Visible = False
           lblDateOfHire.Visible = False
           DateTimePicker1.Visible = False
           lblPTO.Visible = False
           txbPTO.Visible = False
           lblPTORemaining.Visible = False
           txbESRemainingPTO.Visible = False
           btnDeleteEmployee.Visible = False
           lblHours.Visible = False
           lblHours2.Visible = False
           lblClicktoDelete.Visible = False
           Label4.Visible = False

           cmbEmployeeName.SelectedIndex = "-1"
           If cmbEmployeeName.Text <> "" Then
               cmbEmployeeName.SelectedIndex = "-1"

           End If

       End If
   End Sub
Private Sub btnAddNewEmployee_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddNewEmployee.Click
       Dim NewRow As DataRow = dataset2.Tables("employees").NewRow
       NewRow("Name") = cmbEmployeeName.Text
       NewEmployee = cmbEmployeeName.Text

       Dim trim As Integer
       Dim length As Integer
       Dim removed As Integer

       length = cmbEmployeeName.Text.Length

       trim = cmbEmployeeName.Text.IndexOf(" ")
       removed = length - trim
       NewRow("LastName") = cmbEmployeeName.Text.Substring(trim)
       NewRow("FirstName") = cmbEmployeeName.Text.Remove(trim, removed)

       NewRow("Phone") = "Enter Employee Phone"
       NewRow("BeginningPTO") = 0
       NewRow("DateHired") = Date.Now

       cmbEmployeeName.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList

       lblEmployeePhon.Visible = True
       txbPhone.Visible = True
       lblDateOfHire.Visible = True
       DateTimePicker1.Visible = True
       lblPTO.Visible = True
       txbPTO.Visible = True
       lblPTORemaining.Visible = True
       txbESRemainingPTO.Visible = True
       btnDeleteEmployee.Visible = True
       lblHours.Visible = True
       lblHours2.Visible = True
       lblClicktoDelete.Visible = True
       Label4.Visible = True
       Me.BindingContext(dataset2, "Employees").Position = cmbEmployeeName.FindStringExact(NewEmployee)

       cmbEmployeeName.SelectedIndex = cmbEmployeeName.FindStringExact(NewEmployee)
       MessageBox.Show("To complete the addition of this new employee, enter the appropriate information in the data fields that are now available.", "Complete New Employee Setup", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)

   End Sub

Edited by jfackler
  • *Experts*

SelectedIndex is an Integer, not a String, so you shouldn't assign

it to "-1" here, but rather -1.


(from your first code snippet)

cmbBoxName.SelectedIndex = -1
If cmbBoxName.Text <> "" Then
cmbBoxName.SelectedIndex = -1


It looks like Phil's question was answered, so I'm not sure that

any further discussion is necessary.

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up

These are the best days of our lives"

-The Ataris, In This Diary

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