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How do I check for an uninitialized DateTime?


If I start my code by simply declaring a DateTime value:


DateTime time1;


Then the compiler gives me the error that the field was uninitialized.


Seting the DateTime value to null is not legal though, it seems:


DateTime time1 = null;


How am I supposed to be initializing a DateTime value?


Some of you may be wondering, "Why would you want a null DateTime?"


Here's an example of somewhere that I have to initialize the DateTime object with data that is *not* what I want:

/// <summary>
/// Synchronize the Time on the SQL Server with the time on the device
/// </summary>
private void SyncWithSqlTime(DateTime sqlTime) // pass in or query for time to set on device
 sqlTime = DateTime.Now; // checking to see if sqlTime has been set doesn't seem possible
 m_lastError = string.Empty;
   m_db.Open(); // Sql Connection object
   using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT GetDate() AS [CurrentDateTime]", m_db))
     SqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader();
     while (r.Read() == true)
       sqlTime = (DateTime)r["CurrentDateTime"];
 catch (InvalidOperationException e)
 catch (SqlException e)
 st.FromDateTime(sqlTime); // Convert to SYSTEMTIME
 SetLocalTime(ref st); // PInvoke Win32 API to set time


Nullable types


If using .NET 2 or later, you can use nullable types:


DateTime? sqlTime = null;


Alternatively, I tend to initialize variables to something like DateTime.MinValue and then test for that.


Good luck :cool:

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