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I have an application that reads data from an XML file, typically I simply use the "DataTable.ReadXML(sXML)" and then extract the information that I need, but not I need to do it based on a condition and I can't seem to figure out how I can implement it.


For example - I have an XML (C:\file.xml) such as the following:

<Division Name="A">
<Segment Folder="FolderA1"/>
<Segment Folder="FolderA2"/>
<Segment Folder="FolderA3"/>
<Division Name="B">
<Segment Folder="FolderB1"/>
<Segment Folder="FolderB2"/>
<Segment Folder="FolderB3"/>


As you can see, my XML has two divisions (name "A" and "B"), I need to get the Folder information depending on which division I am dealing with. Specifically something like this (pseudo-code):


if (Division = varX) // where varX is either "A" or "B"
for each (string sFolder in <Segment Folder="..."> in <Info>) // Listing all the Segment Folders from either "A" or "B" depending on varX
... do something with sFolder ...


Now, I have the following code that simply dumps the XML into a DataTable, but I have no clue how, once with the datatable, to extract only the Folder's from <Segment Folder=".." /> of the appropriate <Info></Info> from the appropriate <Division Name=".."></Division> where the Division Name matches my search criteria...


DataSet dsxmlfile = new DataSet();
DataView dsview = dsxmlfile.Tables["Stores"].DefaultView;

...? stuck here ...?


Note - I don't need to use DataTable.ReadXML to perform my work, it is simply the easiest way I know how to input an XML file, however I would assume this may no longer suit my needs.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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If you load the xml into an XmlDocument then XPath can be used to locate the node e.g.

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement ele = (XmlElement) doc.SelectSingleNode("//Stores/Division[@Name='A']");

Another possibility is XMLSerialization - either way they avoid the overheads of datasets / datatables.

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